Your "Esteemed and Distinguish" Royal Highness... thanks again for another outstanding article and going with the "In Livin' Color" deep track. Your article reminds me of one of chapters in the book ... The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell covers the Broken Windows syndrome and the broken windows theory proposed by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling in 1982 that used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder within neighborhoods. The theory links disorder and incivility within a community to subsequent occurrences of serious crime.

Although referring to someone by their desired pronoun is not to the level of a serious crime, it is however one more grain of sand in an already full glass of water.

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"Homey don’t blame that game"?

I think I spotted a typo.

In any case, I think this isn't the huge societal problem some people make it out to be. When was the last time you were asked to use someone's preferred pronoun? I've never had to.

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Greetings Fair Dinkum Mate. I suspect His Royal Highness Sir Bernie may have been the victim of some hanky lanky hanky panky when that typo occurred.

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Well said Sir Bernie, although as regular readers might understand, there is only one authentic Emperor. Since I am a perveyor of historical knowledge for the teenaged set I get a chance to notice trends among human populations over time as I study. One such trend is that exceptionally prosperous societies with no obvious existential threats surrounding it tend to purposely unravel the very societal cords that made them a great power initially. The relative comfort and ease of life dulls the senses and they begin to find enemies within that are, in fact, the best friends they had ever known. Freedom from the self discipline and vision that forged the empire ended up bringing them down. We will be no different. A structureless people will be a confused and divided ( and ultimately conquered) people. The only person I can control is me so I am with you. This Homey don't play this game either. What might change the direction? War? Terrorism? Economic collapse? What say you?

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Excellent commentary; so true. Sadly, it may indeed take a REAL calamity in order to stifle, if only temporarily, the type of trivial, illiberal nonsense which seems to dominate the cultural discourse of the younger generations; aided and abetted by the cowardly so-called adults in the room. If the COVID-19 experience is any indicator, it will have to be a much bigger catastrophe, for which I fear we will be woefully unequipped to overcome. It would help if we could somehow return to teaching non-revisionist history to our ignorant students.

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Well, although I often feel as if I am urinating in an ocean, there are some of us doing our best to ameliorate that unfortunate reality.

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Very well stated.

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Greetings Sir Jesse! Wow you are correct there was only one authentic Emperor, I do acknowledge that his Royal highness Sir Bernie, is certainly welcome to refer to himself this way, as my preferred pronoun is “His Utmost Excellency!” Carry on Sir Jesse!

His Utmost Excellency, The Emperor, has spoken!

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Thanks Bernie, although you’re a bit late to the game. This nonsense has been percolating for years, and like all good oppressors, they take an inch; then another; until they’ve destroyed the whole foot. So now everyone, including those who supposedly had some power; authority and common sense, are failing right into the conformist line. It will require acts of courage(!) to resist this Orwellian oppression, but when the geniuses running the government, the media, and the academy dictate the rules, under penalty of economic and social death, resistance comes at a high price.

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Bernie, it could be inferred that President Biden’s cognitive condition is such that he is not capable of making such a significant decision as to whether he should run again. That cannot be said for Jill Biden and she knows better than all but a few of her husband’s mental state. Despite her likely knowledge, she is in agreement with him running and, I believe, putting the country at great risk. Why would she do that?

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So many young people that identify They/Them and other(s) are so totally confused about their sexuality leaving high school or college. Our education system was and should be designed to help them find their path for the future and the education to do so. What happened?

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Great commentary Mr. Goldberg!

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Bernie, you nailed it. Do we have the creature comforts so advanced that we can afford to create our own crisis and then attempt its remedy to gain respect? Cultural Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?

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