The media did Barack Obama no favors when they deified him, when they tried to turn him into a saint during the presidential campaign. Now the American people are seeing that he's not transformational, not post-partisan, not post-political -- all the wonderful things he claimed to be, with hardly a raised eyebrow by his pals in the slobbering media.
He has repeatedly told us, with great eloquence, that for big issues to become law, 50-plus-one isn't good enough. Big ideas need big coalitions. They need consensus. They need Democrats and Republicans. Now the same Barack Obama tells us that 50-plus-one is just fine with him. Forgive me for stating the obvious: Barack Obama is nothing more than an old-fashioned politician, the kind we’ve seen a million times before. The kind that gives hypocrisy a bad name. There is nothing transformational about him, nothing post-partisan, nothing post-political. What we got in Mr. Obama is an old pol who reeks of hack.
Nobody, and certainly not Barack Obama, could possibly live up to the media hype. The fools in the press thought they were helping their guy. They weren’t content merely being eyewitnesses to history. They wanted to shape history. This was no mere liberal Democrat running for president. This was not Mondale or Dukakis or Gore or Kerry. This was the Great Obama. This was history in the making.
And now, the Annointed One is paying the price for all that embarrassing adulation. Democrats still love him, Republicans still don't. But independents are leaving him by the truckload. And make no mistake, they are the ones who decide elections in America.
This is not what the Lamestream media had in mind when they elevated a mere Chicago politician to the status of messiah.