Bernie’s Q&A: Harris, Pence, Page, Woolery, and more! (10/9) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
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Now, let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
Demographic trends + Democrat Party tactics are more effective and ruthless than their enemies, and + they get free 365/24/7 Media support. That all but guarantees Dems will be one party rulers by 2024. The Democrats will go after the filibuster whether the Republicans install Barret now or never. The Debating Society aka Republicans should seize the day by adding her to the Supremes NOW. Then resign themselves (those still standing) to getting down and dirty waging asymmetric warfare against the Democrat (communist) Party like the life of this Constitutional Republic depended on it. What say you? -- John D. P.
First, I don't think it's a good idea to call the Democratic Party the Communist Party. It sounds like we're back in the 1950s. Consider this John: What if the Dems do what you say. They kill the filibuster and presumably pack the court with liberal justices. Let's say they add Puerto Rico and maybe Washington D.C. as two more liberal Democrat states with four new liberal Democratic senators. How do you think that will play out in two years at the midterm elections? You think the American people would be okay with that? I don't. But if Trump loses his most loyal supporters -- especially those with big megaphones in the media and the evangelical church -- might want to try a little self inspection. They never spoke up when he demeaned the office he holds. They let him get away with his unpresidential behavior. They either tolerated it or flat out loved if. If he loses in a few weeks we'll know that most Americans didn't.
If you got the call to moderate the next Trump/Biden debate; would you? -- Tim H.
Not if a Yankees game was on TV that night.
I don’t buy the lockdowns as cause for the riots. I believe they are well organized and are directed by Democratic Party operatives. They have not recovered from the election loss of 2016. The Russian Collusion did not work. The riots will continue right up to election time. If Biden wins, they will call off the dogs unless the Marxists still believe that COVID. The Economy lockdown and Police reform still make it ripe for Revolution. Stalin said three elements had to exist before World Marxist Revolution coul succeed. Conspiracy Theory? -- Joseph V.
I don't buy that lockdowns are the cause of the riots either ... but I don't buy that they're directed by the Democratic Party either. You think the DNC is behind the riots? Really? Who's the ringleader? Bernie Sanders and AOC and the rest of the Sandinista wing of the party may want to fundamentally change America ... but I wouldn't worry about a World Marxist Revolution ... not the kind I think you envision, Joseph.
Why do the presidential debate moderators seem to predominately be Democrat news people? Has anyone noted who the moderator of the next debate is? Steve Scully with C-Span. Scully interned at BIDEN's Senatorial office back in the late 70's. No one on the debate committee saw a potential problem with this? At the very least a bad optic? How would the Dems respond if say a former Trump business intern was tapped to be a moderator? Kind of surprised of no push back from the Trump team. -- John M.
Good point, John. One reason there are so many Democrat news people moderating debates is that most journalists are liberals and vote for Democrats -- not matter how often they deny it. And you're right about the optics. Scully may be scrupulously fair. He may even try harder to be fair because of his job history. But, you're right, it raises concerns.
Editor's note: The below response is in regard to DonEstif's remark from last week's Q&A, regarding his statement that George Floyd "had self-inflicted the overwhelming majority cause to his death." It's been edited a bit, just for length.
I feel compelled to defend that I am not nuts. The original Hennepin County Medical Examiner's report does not mention homicide in it once, nor does it indicate asphyxiation: CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST COMPLICATING LAW ENFORCEMENT SUBDUAL, RESTRAINT, AND NECK COMPRESSION (please note I said the cop was a "complicating factor"). In the body-cam transcripts, Floyd complains frequently of not be able to breathe well, before he by himself goes down to the ground some time well after initial encounter; Floyd is not complying with the cops and there are various bystanders at different times telling Floyd to 'stop resisting man.'
The cops realized early on that Floyd was high on something, which Floyd said was "whooping" and things other than drugs, but the cops shortly called for an ambulance (which got lost and showed up very late); the toxicology report indicates almost four times the lethal amount of fentanyl + some amount of amphetamines (Dr. Baden did not have tox report(?) when he claimed death by asphyxiation based largely on the video); the examiner's report indicates two different pre-existing heart conditions; the cop's knee on the back & neck is a technique taught by the police dept to restrain suspects. So, I believe these cops have been overcharged and the DA will be unable to succeed with 2nd Degree Murder and 2nd Degree Manslaughter charges/convictions.
Now, if those 'facts' are true, am I still nuts? -- DonEstif
I never said that George Floyd wasn't high or that he didn't resist arrest. But he was cuffed and under control when the cop kept his knee on his neck for nearly 9 minutes. That may in fact be a legal restraint in Minneapolis. The cop may in fact have been overcharged. But it was excessive force nonetheless. Floyd's death didn't have to happen. I'm sticking by that, Don.
Greetings Sir Bernie. By the time you answer this, the Pence vs. Harris debate will have passed, so I get that circumstances may change by the time you answer this. SO hypothetically speaking, what if Trump dies from Covid-19? Then Pence would be the one running for 2020 president. Would the Republicans have a better chance of winning, since at that point it would no longer be about Trump’s Dumbass comments and bombastic personality? If Trump lives and sees that Pence wins the debate against Harris with not only facts but also dignity, respectability, and presidential decorum, do you think he would learn his lesson on how to properly conduct himself during a debate? Finally, and still hypothetically, what if the Dems are successful in the 2020 races EXCEPT for an overwhelming defeat in the Senate? How do you think THAT would affect the Supreme Court? -- “Debatable” Regards From The Emperor
Let's leave out the hypothetical about Trump croaking. If Pence wins the debate, you ask, will that teach the president a lesson about dignity etc. NO. The president is incapable of change. He is what he is (if you know what I mean). As for an "overwhelming defeat [for the Dems] in the Senate: Republicans should be so lucky. If there's an "overwhelming" win for either side, it won't be for the GOP. I am, hypothetically yours, ... Bernie
Mr. G, Two-parter. What is the Country’s number one “big league” fear if Trump wins? What is the Country’s number one biggest fear if Biden wins? Elections have all turned into downside mitigation, don’t you think? -- ScottyG
Biggest fear if Trump wins: Democrats think he'll destroy our democracy. He won't. My biggest fear if Trump wins is that I'll have to listen to his nonsense for 4 more years. Though I hope he wins.
Biggest fear if Biden wins: That Bernie and AOC will be calling the shots. If that happens, be afraid. Be very afraid.
What are your thoughts on Trump/Pence still using "individual freedom" as a defense of the administration's decision to hold several coronavirus super-spreading events (both potential and actual), where there's no social distancing, and no mask-wearing requirement? The defense seems even more moronic, now that the president and many of his direct associates have been infected. -- Ben G.
I'm with you, Ben. We're all for individual freedom. And if one wants to expose himself to a deadly virus, that's fine with me. But when that person exposes someone else, that's not individual freedom anymore. That's reckless behavior.
What did you think of Kamala Harris's debate performance? I wasn't impressed, especially being that she's supposed to be some hot-shot prosecutor. She didn't even bother to counter-punch Pence after he accused her and Biden of politicizing COVID-19. How does one pass on an opportunity like that, when Trump has politicized it like crazy? -- Alex D.
My single biggest takeaway about Harris: I didn't like her going in and I liked her even less during and after the debate. Debates are often NOT about issues, but about how the candidates come off to the voting public. She came off as unlikeable. Very unlikeable. Her smirks were beyond annoying. Now I don't like her AND her running mate ... AND Donald Trump. HELP!
Heard this morning that Trump backed out of the 2nd debate, once the debate committee announced that it would be virtual (because Trump has covid). Is this a mistake on Trump's part? Also, what did you think of Susan Page as a debate moderator? Biased or fair? -- Philip M.
I think the president understandably doesn't want to take part in a virtual debate. What if Joe does the debate from his basement ... with an earpiece ... and with aides handing him notes on how to answer the questions? As for Susan Page: She did a very good job -- of imitating a potted plant. She would ask a question and the candidates would say whatever they wanted, ignoring the actual question. And she did ... nothing. Not a fan.
During Wednesday's VP debate, the camera showed a fly landing on Mike Pence's head, and staying there for exactly 2 minutes an 2 seconds. "2 minutes and 2 seconds" was the phrase famously coined by Love Connection host Chuck Woolery, who used it whenever the show was going to a commercial break. Chuck Woolery is an enormous fan of President Trump. Do you believe that the fly was a profound symbol of MAGA solidarity? Or could it be that the fly was on George Soros's payroll, and was dispatched to Salt Lake City to try and knock Pence off his game? Lastly, what is your response to the announcement this morning that the fly has tested positive for COVID-19? -- John D.
Excellent questions, Mr. John D. I've checked with my sources and have learned that the fly was fake news. Fake news designed to distract us from the real issue: the annoying smirk on Kamala Harris' face. As long as we looked at the fake news fly ... we ignored the very real very annoying smirk. Whose idea was unleashing a fake news fly to distract simple minded people -- no offense -- like you John D? The only politician brilliant enough, smart enough, savvy enough to think of something so brilliant, smart and savvy. That's right. It was Joe Biden's fake news fly. And even though the fly was fake news, he had an earpiece in his left ear which was telling him to stay there as long as the annoying smirk stayed on Kamala's face. Biden is a genius, right?
I gotta go now and take my meds.
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.