Bernie’s Q&A: The Election, Giuliani, Clyburn, Carson (11/6) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
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Now, let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
My theory is that Democratic Party leaders per-arranged that, if Biden is elected he will early on, maybe within four to six months, step down from office on the grounds he is not able to carry out the duties of his office. This moves Harris into the Oval office as a tough, some would say ruthless, left/liberal and she would have agreed pre-election to accept Bernie Sanders as a very active domestic policy V.P., thereby rocketing the nation in a blink of the eye historical moment onto the path to Socialism. I've worked this over in my mind endlessly, picked it apart but it makes more sense every go around and it fits Nancy Pelosi’s near demonic obsession with crushing the Republicans at least for the foreseeable future. So gulp, what do you think? It sure would galvanize the vast resources of the Left here and among the EU nations. -- John D. P.
I'm not into conspiracies. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald worked all by himself. And I don't believe there's a pre-arranged plan for Joe to step down within 4 to 6 months.
If Biden wins, will there be a "Resistance," and what might it look like? -- Michael F.
There'll be resistance on the Fox News Channel between 8 and 11 Eastern time, that's for sure. There'll be resistance on talk radio. And there'll be political resistance too ... just as there's been political resistance from Democrats for the past four years.
Two questions:
What are the chances that progressives will push Jim Clyburn to challenge Pelosi for the party leadership in the house....specifically, the speakership? And remember, a really contested election OUTCOME may well end up in the house and the speaker could even end up as president. It was Clyburn who resurrected Biden's hopes with black voters in SC.
What are the chances that a progressive (possibly AOC?) will primary Schumer in '22? He's certainly vulnerable.....he's temporized about Israel's security thus damaging himself within the NYC Jewish community, and he's got lots of dead bodies that can rise up to haunt him in NY like Carolyn Maloney (he scuppered her chances to move into the Senate (after Hillary) in favor of Gillibrand). It will be fun to see how far left he'll try to move as time goes on. Will go heavy for ending the filibuster, or court packing, to satisfy his far left zealots? Will he start 'dropping his 'g''s for the folksy affect? Wear more kente cloth?
Be well, take care. -- Andrew M.
I don't think progressives would push Clyburn to challenge Pelosi. And if they did, I don't see Clyburn taking the bait. But a "really contested election" ... while it may wind up in the House ... the speaker as of now would not become president. If the House votes for president, Donald Trump would win -- despite the fact that there are more Democrats than Republicans. The rules are set up so that each state gets one vote -- and there are more GOP states than Dem states.
Re AOC and Chuck: I think there's a very good chance that she'll primary him. And I think that's why he's saying "nothing is off the table." He needs to hold his moderate base and fend off progressives at the same time. Whether he's damaged himself with the Jewish community or not, isn't a major factor. You think Jewish voters want AOC to take his place? You think they believe she'll be more hospitable to Israel?
I watched a skit on YouTube this weekend by Johnny Carson, with him playing a Presidential candidate hooked up to a polygraph device answering questions from the press. Shows you that times haven't changed much, except we are missing ENTERTAINERS like Johnny and before him Samuel Clemons and Will Rogers who would lighten up the mood that emanates from the political and journalistic (?) class in our nations Capital. Now all we have are social warriors impersonating entertainers. If you need a break from the noise, check out Johnny Carson on YouTube, there is a great segment with Bob Hope, Dean Martin and George Gobel. -- Douglas C.
I totally agree with you. Carson poked at both sides. The current crop of late night clowns HATE Donald Trump. Most people don't tune in to comedy shows for still more political talk. I watched Johnny religiously. I don't watch any of the current crop ... at all!
Mr. G, Something tells me this Wednesday morning you regret not accepting my offer to go fishing today LOL. So then, what keys will you be watching for the rest of this week to determine how the media will continue to pursue how this election will be decided? Because that’s what they tried to do (again) and failed miserably based on the close results. I also look forward to John’s “Polls” summary column this week. The WSJ/NBC poll had Biden +10 in their so called final projection just two days ago. Really? -- ScottyG
I have a good-natured, well-intentioned suggestion for the pollsters who not only got it wrong, but got it dramatically, breathtakingly wrong: FIND ANOTHER LINE OF WORK!
Note from John: Hi Scotty. I assume your remark to me was in my reference to my defense of the national polls in 2016, where I pointed out that they pretty accurately predicted that year's popular vote in the presidential election (while noting that problems with a handful of key swing-state polls did not give an accurate forecast of Trump's electoral college win). This year, the Real Clear Politics average of national polls closed at a 7.2 Biden advantage. As of the time I'm writing this (Thursday night), Biden is winning the popular vote by a little over 2 points. We'll have to see where it ends up. I think the number will get larger with the final count, but I doubt it will get anywhere close to 7.2 (in which case the national polls would indeed be off quite a bit). As far as state polling, there were clearly some big errors this time around. No doubt about that.
As of Wednesday evening, looks like Biden is in. I suspect the pollsters will might be looking for new careers but what about American Journalists and specifically the print journalists? They're losing Trump, the best story line in decades. -- Tim H.
You might think that "journalists" -- who predicted a Biden landslide -- might be humble and maybe even apologize to their audience. I know, crazy. They never apologized for almost 4 years "reporting" that Donald Trump was a Russian asset, so why would they apologize for getting the election so wrong -- even if Biden wins, it won't be by the gigantic margin they were predicting. If Trump goes, they'll lose a big ratings draw, but CNN, MSNBC and Fox aren't going to close shop. On Fox, the opinion gang will plummet Joe and on CNN and MSNBC they'll find ways to continue to bash Trump. There's too much money at stake to change their ways.
As of this writing, it looks like Biden will be the next president. If Republicans dominate the Senate and gain extra seats in the House, will the Dems still attempt to pack the Supreme Court and add extra states to give the liberal Democrats advantages? Seeing as the election is so close, I would think that would be political suicide for the Dems since it would appear that Americans don’t want woke leftists running the country. And if Biden wins, should Robert Mueller investigate to see if there was any Russia collusion with the Democrats? -- “Election 2020” Regards From The Emperor
There's no way they can fulfill their left wing wish list if the GOP retains control of the Senate. The House can do whatever it wants, they can propose letting 2 year olds vote, none of it would matter. Any bill to pack the court or any other progressive desire will be DOA when it hits the Senate.
Per my message last week re pollsters: is it time to have their compensation tied to the accuracy of their analysis? Or maybe we just need the gov't to regulate the pollsters since we all know that more regulations are always the answer. -- Michael
Tying their compensation to the accuracy of their analyses is not a bad idea. But many polls are conducted by the media, so they can't cut their own rates. But I like your idea. As for government regulating the pollsters, I know you're kidding. Good one, Michael.
Bernie, what has happened to Rudy Giuliani? He was a very highly respected individual at one time ("America's Mayor" after 9/11). Now he has all kinds of shady foreign associates, he's spreading zany conspiracy theories left and right (including right now about the election results), he's unhinged in cable news interviews, and even though I can't stand Borat, Rudy came across very creepy with the female "interviewer" in that clip. -- Ben G.
I'm with you, Ben. I think he's come under Donald's spell. And as we know Donald can make more than liberals a little crazy. Rudy seems to be proof of that. But so are Trump's media toadies. I'm embarrassed for some of them, mainly Rush, who's a very bright guy.
Is it just me, or is the idea of a Biden presidency and a Republican-majority senate actually kind of appealing? None of Trump's daily craziness, and no far left legislation making in past McConnell. The tax bill stays in place. Maybe some relief from the trade war. Maybe even some efforts from Republicans to work in good faith with Biden on entitlement reform (I may be dreaming on that last part but it didn't happen over the past 4 years from Republicans because Trump was dead set against it). -- Jen R.
It's not just you, Jen ... if Biden had to win, having a GOP Senate eases the pain considerably. If Biden wins and if he had a Democrat Senate, I'd be depressed. I'm not. So once again, Jen, you make a lot of sense.
Bernie, here are some interesting things I've learned about you over the years:
You're friends with the lead singer of AC/DC, you're immortalized in N.W.A.'s "Straight Outta Compton" album and also Michael Mann's "The Insider," you were buddies with George Carlin, you're pictured with all kinds of iconic figures (The Pope, Paul McCartney, Mike Tyson, Shaq, etc.), one U.S. president was filmed carrying your book across the White House lawn, another U.S. president asked your advice before he ran for office, you've won a kazillion awards, Jon Stewart wrote a song about you, etc.
Has this ever drawn comparisons between you and Forrest Gump, in how you've floated in and out of (and perhaps even unknowingly contributed to) significant cultural events in American history? Also, do you ever find yourself sitting on a bench at park bus-stops, with a box of chocolate, engaging in long-winded conversations with the individuals who sit down beside you? -- John D.
That's an awfully long question for a guy with a 6th grade education, John D. But yes, I am wonderful. Shaquille O'Neal actually said to me that what wants most is to be known as "the black Bernie Goldberg." True story.
And because I want to give you a complete answer, one that you might actually comprehend (that means "understand") let me say this: "Stupid is as stupid does." But you, of all people knew that. In fact, I'm told it's your motto, words you live by.
Did you know I recently invested my money in some fruit company -- it's called Apple.
Get it, John D? I appropriated that line (that means I stole it ) from the Forrest Gump movie.
You did know Forrest Gump is a fictional character in a Hollywood movie, right -- and not just your real life role model?
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.