Bernie’s Q&A: Trump vs The Squad, Antifa, Marianne Williamson, The Loudest Voice, and more! (7/19) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
Let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
Sir Bernard - A few rather simple questions for you:
Do you think there will be a 3rd party candidate in the 2020 Presidential election, who will have a profound impact, like the colorful Ross Perot in the 1992 election...resulting in the Democrat candidate winning with less than the majority vote? If so, who might that 3rd party candidate be? And would you ever consider supporting such a candidate, who obviously is inserted into the election for the mere purpose of swinging the victory to one of the two major party candidates?
What is the current count of your Premiere membership, as it appears the number of weekly questions/responses continue to rise? -- Matt Q.
There will be a few candidates who aren't running as Democrats or Republicans -- Green Party etc ... and they might matter -- if the vote is very, very close. Could be interesting, Matt.
As for the current count: I'd like to tell you but the government won't let me. Top Secret stuff. But yes, you're right ... the membership numbers have gone up every month since we started. And I thank you and the other members for being here.
Hey Bernie. Im interested in hearing your thoughts on our current national debt and deficit spending, both of which are completely out of control. I quit looking at our national debt after it passed 18 trillion and we continue to spend far more than tax revenues cover on a yearly basis. If you were the sovereign king of the U.S., surrounded by hundred of thousands of well trained and well armed palace guard commandos (of necessity) what would you decree to help solve this approaching disaster? Or perhaps you dont feel deficits matter. Interested in hearing your thoughts and decrees -- Your devoted disciple, Alan D
Oh, my friend, I do think deficits matter. A lot. I'm more concerned about $22.5 trillion in debt than I am in climate change. What would I do? First, I'd try to convince the American people that politicians who want to give them all sorts of goodies are not really looking out for them, or for the nation. I'd do that first because I'd need the people behind me. Then I'd put a lid on spending. For a while, it wouldn't even keep up with inflation. And anyplace I could, I'd cut spending. Then I'd do anything I could to help grow the economy because that's the only way to slowly get out of this mess. It's not going to be easy -- and that's an understatement. But if we continue spending at the current rate, we're doomed. At some point interest rates will be a lot higher than they are now, and at that point it would cost us a lot more to pay off those debts. You think it's ugly now, just wait.
Any chance you will expand "Off the Cuff" to include some interviews? You could name each segment like "Off the Cuff with Bill Maher". Would you call yourself semi-retired? I semi-retired about 3 years ago. Went from 70 to 50 hours a week. The reason I ask is that you seem to have a lot going and either writing comes easy for you, or, you're still a work-acholic. Or, in my case my wife doesn't want me around the house during the day. Last question: do any of the mainstream press, and more directly those you have been critical of, ever give you a call and say "Bernie, let's go have a beer?" -- Tim H.
No immediate plans for interviews ... but you never know.
I'm not semi-retired. I still work on a show called Real Sports on HBO.
I was critical of the top guy at the ACLU and he contacted me and very politely said let's talk in person. He wanted to explain his position. It never happened, but that wasn't his fault.
I don't think I'm a workaholic ... but I do feel better when I'm accomplishing something. It's not that I love writing. But I do love HAVING WRITTEN.
Mr. G, I’m beginning to think Twitter Trump is trying to throw the 2020 election so he can get back to his Hotels & Golf courses, is this plausible? or his he just doubling down now on the same behavior that has got him this far? -- ScottyG
Scotty my friend, he can't help himself. If he knocks off the Twitter rants and the rest of the divisive crapola, he wins re-election, mainly based on the economy. If the election is about him, he loses. Unless of course the Democrats nominate somebody so far out of the mainstream that the American people say they'd rather have Twitter Trump than some crazy left winger. So, no he's not trying to throw the election with his behavior. It's just who he is.
I was impressed with Sharyl Attkisson when she was a Fox News contributor, and I thought she would become a regular. However, she disappeared and now has her own program on NBC. Do you know why she was never again seen on Fox News? -- Fred V.
First, Fred, she was only an occasional Fox News contributor -- not a regular. Second, she has a Sunday show on Sinclair which is picked up by local stations around the country. She may be on your NBC affiliate, but she doesn't have a program on NBC. I've seen her on Fox from time to time. She was on more in the past because she had a book she was promoting.
I think we all agree that the mainstream media covers racially loaded stories differently for Republicans than for Democrats, but putting aside the double standards in news coverage for a minute, what are your thoughts on Trump's tweets from last Sunday, where he said that four minority congresswomen should "go back" to their own countries and fix problems there. As everyone has pointed out since then, all of those women are Americans (even though they often say negative things about America) and 3 of them were born here, not elsewhere. Were Trump's tweets bigoted, in your view? Thanks. -- Jen. R.
President Trump frequently says stupid things. Telling the so-called "Squad" to "go back" (to where they came from) is one of those stupid things. I'm not saying he's a racist. I don't know if he is. But he is irresponsible, and tone deaf and inarticulate and would do us all a favor if he just knock it the hell off. I'm growing weary of Mr. Trump and I'm hardly alone.
Mr.G, Did this week's press conference with congresswomen Pressley, Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Tlaib not cap off the most bizarre political sparring we’ve ever seen? Do you think Pelosi was in on and Ok with that press conference in a way where she might have thought, “Good, let these four fools go out there and bury themselves”? -- Scotty G.
I've had it with all of them ... the Squad, the president, the Squad's apologists, the president's apologists ... I'm sick of the whole bunch. I don't think Pelosi was in on it, because every other word out of their mouths was impeachment and Pelosi is trying to block it fearing it would cost Democrats the election.
Bernie, as requested I'll keep it short and sweet; when the heck will the FBI wake up and term these cowardly Antifa thugs who beat innocent people and just recently tried to blow up an ICE facility what they are - a Domestic Terrorist Organization? What will it take? -- Joseph M.
I can't figure this one out either. Portland's establishment -- starting with the pathetic mayor -- are just plain disgraceful. But the federal government has every right to step in. They stepped in years ago to stop the KKK ... they should step in now.
Curious if you have been watching the Showtime series The Loudest Voice with Russell Crowe as Roger Ailes? Fascinating take on him/FNC -- Pat M.
I am watching, Pat ... and I find it ... interesting. But here's my problem with the show -- and all docudramas: I don't know where the truth ends and the drama begins. So I usually don't watch such shows, but I'm making an exception for this one. But I wish I knew what was real and what wasn't.
Bernie: I was a pretty good runner back in the day and ran against Jim Ryan at the Drake Relays (he won). I did set some local records that I consider worth something. I keep in touch with a High School friend Andy who wasn't much of an athlete back then. In his 60s and 70s, he has gone a bit crazy working out and participates in marathons and various senior state championships. Every time he wins, he sends me a link. Naturally, I congratulate him, but I finally got a bit fed up and told him that I don't give a rip about athletic records set by old folks because there is always someone younger who is faster and better. Set your athletic records when you are young and then exercise in old age to improve your health and prolong your life. I then suggested that Andy also pursue some brain-oriented activities like writing, public speaking, music, art, acting and so forth because we older folks often have a lot more wisdom than the young studs and when it comes to brain activities, wisdom calls the shots. Do you have any thoughts on this topic? -- William W.
Yeah, I do William. Lay off your friend. If you don't want the links, fair enough. But he's having fun competing. Leave the old guy alone. You were a competitive athlete so you had your day. He hasn't. This is his time. I'm with your friend. Tell him I said so.
Bernie, let me start by admitting that I was half hoping the Nederlands would have beaten the U.S. Women's soccer team. Have spent the last two days observing the teams celebration and I must say, am thoroughly disgusted. I won't say shocked because given their deportment over the last month you could almost see this coming. The US Soccer Federation should be ashamed and issue an apology for the teams totally classless antic's, led by it's narcissistic captain. Are there no longer standards for anything? The constant dropping of f-bombs by this team is disgraceful. They are awarded the key to the city and one player is seen on a video saying "hide your kids, hide your wife and lock your f'ing doors cause I got the key to your mother f'ing city, and we're coming for all you bitches." Now I'm no prude, but c'mon. Enough is enough. Compare this teams celebration to the one of the 1980 US Hockey team at Lake Placid. There is no comparison, either in the magnitude of their accomplishment, or the way they celebrated it, with class and dignity. Just when you think it can't get worse........we are following the course of ancient Rome in this country and we all know how that turned out. Guess what, you may actually get to interview some of these folks for a Real Sports segment, good luck. -- John M.
I'm with you John. One of the "grownups" should have said, "Knock it off, you're representing your country -- and if you don't like your country, why play for the team representing your country?" I'm no prude either -- I speak bad language fluently -- but generally speaking, not in public. As for almost rooting for the Netherlands, trust me, my friend, you're not alone. Everybody loved the U.S. Hockey Team that won Gold in 1980. Big difference, as you rightly say, between that team and the current women's soccer team.
As I follow the ongoing arguments about immigration and open borders, it seems that those who favor open borders are not in favor of open borders on a world wide basis but rather only insofar as the U.S. is concerned. Many attribute this to our history of immigration and the fact that for many years pretty much anyone could come to America. I tend to believe that those who feel this way look at America as though it belongs to the world and therefore anyone from anywhere should be able to come to the U.S. regardless of the impact that such unlimited immigration might have on those who currently are U.S. citizens. Many argue of course that immigration is a win-win situation( for the immigrant and for the U.S. ) but that assumes that we have unlimited resources to assume an unlimited number of immigrants ( or that the immigrants support themselves or are supported by their family members already here). It also assumes ( a much tougher issue to discuss civilly) that large scale immigration will not negatively impact the social structure and culture of the country. The latter issue is a hard one because we do not have a single culture; in fact, our culture is always changing. I would appreciate your views as to these issues because I think they go to the core of our immigration crisis. -- Michael F.
First, you're right: Those who say we're heartless if we don't let just about everyone in, want open borders. I don't care if they don't use those exact words; that's what they want. And if Barack Obama said and did everything Donald Trump is saying and doing, Chuck Schemer and every other Democrat would praise him to the heavens. Democrats want open borders not because they have big hearts, but because they want those immigrants to someday vote for Democrats. Cynical? Maybe. But also true, in my opinion. I'm not against immigration in general. We do need immigrants to enter our country. But we need them to come in legally ... and in numbers that we can absorb. You nailed it Michael. I'm with you.
Greetings Sir Bernie —-do you have a Top Ten list of movies that have been lauded and praised over the years that you think are overrated at best and downright bad at worst ( at least in your opinion).? If so, what are they? Enjoy the popcorn -- The Emperor
I have no such list. But I thought Pulp Fiction was overrated.
Hey Bernie, I did some soul searching after a 5 hour marathon argument with your friend John Daly, I had a knee jerk reaction to a column he did on Hannity. Although I agreed with the article, I thought maybe John was being unfair. He wasn’t. I guess it took that article to realize that there is a big difference from vitriolic, mendacious criticism, then legitimate criticism. I apologized to John. I feel like I’m the worlds first “knee jerk” conservative lol, things we accused the left at for a long time. For the record I’m not crazy about Chris Wallace or Shepard Smith, but I think they ad value and balance to Fox. I’m not a Fox viewer who is screaming for their heads. With that said I have a sports/politics question. I kinda look at Trump as Pete Rose. I believe Pete should be in the hall of fame. I think Trump gets it from both sides from his antics off the field (Tweets, stupid press statements) than his performance on the field, tax cuts, job creation, stock market etc. I think Trump has done more good for America than bad. He doesn’t do himself any good, but he still has my vote. Question: Do you think the guys and gals over at ESPN and the rest of the sports writers would think differently if Pete Rose was a Black man with the most hits in baseball but got caught gambling, would be singing a different tune? This was actually 2 different things I wanted to write in about, and I combined the two. I don’t know if my analogy/question made sense to you, but I hope so. -- Respectfully, Ralph P
I hope the sports media establishment would treat a white Pete Rose and a black Pete Rose the same way. But they might treat a black Pete Rose differently. Race is injected into all sorts of things. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes because it's a knee jerk liberal response. But even among sports journalists there's mixed reaction re Rose and the Hall.
Hello Sir Bernie —-many on the right are reveling in the schadenfreude of watching AOC and many far left Democrats hurling what I believe are baseless and nonsensical accusations of racism against Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi, because for years many left wing Democrats leveled the same often baseless charges against people on the right that they disagreed with (eg. Covington Catholic High School students), and now the chickens are coming home to roost. In your opinion, when did baseless allegations of racism (and sexism and sexual harassment) become the knee jerk reaction of the left? Don’t they realize that every time they cry “Wolf” without any actual proof that it hurts to their credibility? -- Best Regards from The Emperor
I don't know when it started but your analysis is correct, in my opinion. White liberal guilt knows no limits. And a word that used to carry power -- racism -- no longer automatically does. That's a price the left has paid for crying wolf.
Who's the fastest talker on TV? Shannon Bream or Dana Perino? -- Bennett S.
Bream wins that one ... not even close.
Bernie, I was just perusing your candidate Marianne Williamson's website, and was surprised to learn that she has adopted Andrew Yang’s policy idea of the federal government paying $1,000 a month to American adults (no questions asked). If your dream of a Williamson presidency (assuredly shared by dozens of fellow Americans) comes true, how would you spend that extra $1000 a month? -- John D.
I'd spend it on a great gift for my wonderful, beautiful wife (and I'm not saying that because she reads the Q & A every Friday -- OK, maybe I am).
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.