This is not a defense of the January 6th rioters nor Trump’s plan to pardon them , but it perhaps may explain the attitude. Ben Shapiro points out (correctly) of the Dems using “LAWFARE” to punish political enemies and being selective in their outrage. Many on the right feel that the all the destruction and chaos from BLM & ANTIFA thugs went unpunished by the liberal progressive Dems because they were sympathetic to the cause. Shapiro says the attitude that would normally deter people from letting their own tribe members off the hook no longer applies after the Dems’ behavior during those “mostly peaceful protests.” Hence the current attitude of many in the right wing tribe is that “well we already saw how the Dems got away (with the aid of their. Liberal media allies) with their decision to let THEIR hooligans off the hook and cover for their chaos, so why should we on the right obey the law since our political enemies refuse to do it?”
What Ben's engaging in is whataboutism, which he used to reject.
A few things:
Hundreds of "BLM & ANTIFA thugs" were in fact prosecuted, convicted, and served time over the 2020 riots. It just happened at the state level, because most of the crimes weren't on federal property. This has gone under-reported by the left-wing media (because lots on that side ideologically aligned with the BLM cause) and also under-reported by the right-wing media (to bolster the bias-confirming narrative that those individuals got off scot-free).
The New York case was unquestionably "lawfare" (as Bernie and I have written and talked about many times), though Trump clearly did what he was charged with. The Jack Smith indictments were serious and appropriate, as was the Georgia case (though the prosecutor did inappropriate things that jeopardized the case). Trump escaped accountability for the actions that warranted them, by being elected president again.
I'm convinced that literally anything can be rationalized through false-perceptions and whataboutism, and these are perfect examples.
Maybe someone can find better statistics than I but from what I found in Minneapolis, George Floyd Ground Zero, there were over 600 arrests, and all but 26 were dismissed. Granted, Police were not in a situation to arrest but preventative maintenance posture during the riots. Over $500 million in damages that has set a city back a few decades until the local idiots elect new leadership. Towers are selling for less than half what it cost to build them in the 80's and 90's.
I can't speak for the country but in Minnesota many feel, and I believe rightfully so, that justice wasn't served by this states leftwing government and press. Downtown MPLS is a ghost town and well deserved.
Mr. Daly is 100% correct that there were hundreds of formal charges and convictions from the Antifa & BLM protests and that this was under-reported by both conservatives and liberals for self-serving - but different - reasons.
Anyone truly interested in knowing what is really going on must set aside their gut feelings and actively seek out a variety of news media. Even then, it can be a real challenge.
One rule of thumb is that any report that makes one side feel validated and any other side look deceitful is a one-sided report and may even be deceitful even if not strictly untruthful. Sometimes both or all sides are represented, but the facts benefitting one side are deemphasized if not camouflaged. And here, I'm talking about the so-called journalistic reporting of the network anchors.
The commentary on cable news stations - with the possible exception of NewsNation - is frequently one-sided. How could anyone disagree with these commentators based on the facts they're presenting?
In his book "Addicted to Outrage" Glenn Beck cites a cold war joke: There was a horse race between a Soviet jockey and an American jockey. The Soviet press truthfully reported that the Soviet jockey came in second place and that the American jockey came in second to last. The American press accurately reported that the American jockey won.
Today's American news media frequently functions more like the Soviet press, but in many cases more subtly.
Bernard - so when you don't LIKE someone, it is OK to lie about his competitor? You did it, so did your buddy whatshisname. The ENTIRE media propagated the BIG LIE covering for President Lyin' Biden, he really had lost it mentally and the WH monkeys along with Dr. Jill Biden were now pseudo-presidents running the country into the ditch. So are still they propagating lies? Is Biden's family money laundering scheme true, too? The MEDIA still does not like Trump, so it is okay to cover for the treasonous Senator & VP that stole top secret documents for 40 years?
That explains why the MEDIA covered for the policeman that shot & killed the only person on J6, veteran Babbit.
That explains why it is okay to cover-up Nancy Pelosi's video mea Copa?
All the lies are going to surface Bernie, and the Biden mental cover-up will be the least of the lies.
Congratulations Bernard, great expose as they say. BR
More tips for your programmer (from this former programmer):
1. Don't begin comments with the current date, or use substitution-tokens at all. Congrats on finally removing your supposed full name and location from each comment (baby steps), but there's still work to do.
2. Don't front-load your comment-threads with multiple insults and pejoratives, in conjunction with auto-responses that feign deep offense to insults and pejoratives. To humans, that's a clear giveaway.
3. Lastly, what would really help you out is cutting back on all the false accusations. Even though your programming doesn't parse all of the column-content you post under, humans on here do actually read the columns, and are thus aware that those accusations are false.
The national news media stoped covering the Senate meeting when it came to the Republicans supporting what was taking place on the Senate floor. The national news media’s all went on commenting only their opinions and did not cover what was actually taking place of those supporting changing the voting to support President Trump.
Those listening to the hearings outside, of the capital stopped hearing what was going on on the actual floor. Many hot heads got upset and started the riot! That is how the riot happened!
Oh, I had forgotten you had claimed this before. It still doesn't make any sense, and no one actually arrested for anything on January 6 has ever put forth this explanation.
By the way, out of curiosity, what word would you use to describe Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office and doing nothing but watching the violence unfold on television for three hours on January 6, while staffers, family members, and friends, begged him to intervene? Would "evil" apply?
Lastly, hundreds of people were prosecuted, charged, and served time for the "racial riots" in the summer of 2020.
You have proposed this theory before - is there ANYONE who was arrested and stood trial who claimed they acted the way they did because the news media cut off the live feed from the House? I do know there were lots of people who testified they were following Trump's instructions on twitter.
How could Trump not pardon the January 6th insurgents? In his mind they were patriots stopping the steal. The question is does Trump really believe this? I'm not sure he does or cares what the truth is. The Pardons are simply a justification to validate his meme. If he can justify this what else can he justify? My two cents.
"How could Trump not pardon the January 6th insurgents? In his mind they were patriots stopping the steal. "
I hope you're not thinking that Trump's or the 1/6 rioters' belief systems is pertinent to their culpability. Once the individual states certify their election results, our Constitution - specifically Art. II and the 12th A. - determines the outcome. The rest is ceremonial, with rare exceptions - e.g. Congress finds hard evidence that states legislatures and governors were complicit in fraudulent vote counts - that don't apply here. Beliefs hardly mitigate culpability for rioting, assaults, or defacing property.
"I'm not sure he does or cares what the truth is. "
I'm sure he cares about the truth only when it supports his ends. I'm sure that he's amoral, except perhaps in certain non-political matters.
Gentlemen - I see J6 as an original 'Tea Party'-like event. Patriots petitioning the government to acknowledge the irregularities of 2020 election and it did get out of hand. The only death that day was a patriot, veteran Babbit - shot by a policeman and then covered up by the media. It was surely not a BLM-like riot in MN. But whatshisname and Bernie, and the left like to make it the worst day ever. It was not anywhere close to Minneapolis that WAS the worst day ever, but played down by the left media who made the drug addict, counterfeiter the victim, justifying the REAL riot. BR
This is not a defense of the January 6th rioters nor Trump’s plan to pardon them , but it perhaps may explain the attitude. Ben Shapiro points out (correctly) of the Dems using “LAWFARE” to punish political enemies and being selective in their outrage. Many on the right feel that the all the destruction and chaos from BLM & ANTIFA thugs went unpunished by the liberal progressive Dems because they were sympathetic to the cause. Shapiro says the attitude that would normally deter people from letting their own tribe members off the hook no longer applies after the Dems’ behavior during those “mostly peaceful protests.” Hence the current attitude of many in the right wing tribe is that “well we already saw how the Dems got away (with the aid of their. Liberal media allies) with their decision to let THEIR hooligans off the hook and cover for their chaos, so why should we on the right obey the law since our political enemies refuse to do it?”
What Ben's engaging in is whataboutism, which he used to reject.
A few things:
Hundreds of "BLM & ANTIFA thugs" were in fact prosecuted, convicted, and served time over the 2020 riots. It just happened at the state level, because most of the crimes weren't on federal property. This has gone under-reported by the left-wing media (because lots on that side ideologically aligned with the BLM cause) and also under-reported by the right-wing media (to bolster the bias-confirming narrative that those individuals got off scot-free).
The New York case was unquestionably "lawfare" (as Bernie and I have written and talked about many times), though Trump clearly did what he was charged with. The Jack Smith indictments were serious and appropriate, as was the Georgia case (though the prosecutor did inappropriate things that jeopardized the case). Trump escaped accountability for the actions that warranted them, by being elected president again.
I'm convinced that literally anything can be rationalized through false-perceptions and whataboutism, and these are perfect examples.
Maybe someone can find better statistics than I but from what I found in Minneapolis, George Floyd Ground Zero, there were over 600 arrests, and all but 26 were dismissed. Granted, Police were not in a situation to arrest but preventative maintenance posture during the riots. Over $500 million in damages that has set a city back a few decades until the local idiots elect new leadership. Towers are selling for less than half what it cost to build them in the 80's and 90's.
I can't speak for the country but in Minnesota many feel, and I believe rightfully so, that justice wasn't served by this states leftwing government and press. Downtown MPLS is a ghost town and well deserved.
Mr. Daly is 100% correct that there were hundreds of formal charges and convictions from the Antifa & BLM protests and that this was under-reported by both conservatives and liberals for self-serving - but different - reasons.
Anyone truly interested in knowing what is really going on must set aside their gut feelings and actively seek out a variety of news media. Even then, it can be a real challenge.
One rule of thumb is that any report that makes one side feel validated and any other side look deceitful is a one-sided report and may even be deceitful even if not strictly untruthful. Sometimes both or all sides are represented, but the facts benefitting one side are deemphasized if not camouflaged. And here, I'm talking about the so-called journalistic reporting of the network anchors.
The commentary on cable news stations - with the possible exception of NewsNation - is frequently one-sided. How could anyone disagree with these commentators based on the facts they're presenting?
In his book "Addicted to Outrage" Glenn Beck cites a cold war joke: There was a horse race between a Soviet jockey and an American jockey. The Soviet press truthfully reported that the Soviet jockey came in second place and that the American jockey came in second to last. The American press accurately reported that the American jockey won.
Today's American news media frequently functions more like the Soviet press, but in many cases more subtly.
Bernard - so when you don't LIKE someone, it is OK to lie about his competitor? You did it, so did your buddy whatshisname. The ENTIRE media propagated the BIG LIE covering for President Lyin' Biden, he really had lost it mentally and the WH monkeys along with Dr. Jill Biden were now pseudo-presidents running the country into the ditch. So are still they propagating lies? Is Biden's family money laundering scheme true, too? The MEDIA still does not like Trump, so it is okay to cover for the treasonous Senator & VP that stole top secret documents for 40 years?
That explains why the MEDIA covered for the policeman that shot & killed the only person on J6, veteran Babbit.
That explains why it is okay to cover-up Nancy Pelosi's video mea Copa?
All the lies are going to surface Bernie, and the Biden mental cover-up will be the least of the lies.
Congratulations Bernard, great expose as they say. BR
Ask your programmer if he's ever considered asking someone to do a code review.
1/16/25 Whatshisname - I see, insults when you're nailed for lying. Nice.
Bernie needs to wise up and get a non-insulter partner. Or maybe that's the gig? BR
More tips for your programmer (from this former programmer):
1. Don't begin comments with the current date, or use substitution-tokens at all. Congrats on finally removing your supposed full name and location from each comment (baby steps), but there's still work to do.
2. Don't front-load your comment-threads with multiple insults and pejoratives, in conjunction with auto-responses that feign deep offense to insults and pejoratives. To humans, that's a clear giveaway.
3. Lastly, what would really help you out is cutting back on all the false accusations. Even though your programming doesn't parse all of the column-content you post under, humans on here do actually read the columns, and are thus aware that those accusations are false.
Hope that helped.
Democrats are evil because they vote for evil candidates.
The July 6 riot is just that. When racial riots happen, very few are charged.
The scale of justice is abused. President Trump will use his scale of justice. We will see what happens.
Why was there a riot on January 6?
The national news media stoped covering the Senate meeting when it came to the Republicans supporting what was taking place on the Senate floor. The national news media’s all went on commenting only their opinions and did not cover what was actually taking place of those supporting changing the voting to support President Trump.
Those listening to the hearings outside, of the capital stopped hearing what was going on on the actual floor. Many hot heads got upset and started the riot! That is how the riot happened!
Oh, I had forgotten you had claimed this before. It still doesn't make any sense, and no one actually arrested for anything on January 6 has ever put forth this explanation.
By the way, out of curiosity, what word would you use to describe Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office and doing nothing but watching the violence unfold on television for three hours on January 6, while staffers, family members, and friends, begged him to intervene? Would "evil" apply?
Lastly, hundreds of people were prosecuted, charged, and served time for the "racial riots" in the summer of 2020.
You have proposed this theory before - is there ANYONE who was arrested and stood trial who claimed they acted the way they did because the news media cut off the live feed from the House? I do know there were lots of people who testified they were following Trump's instructions on twitter.
How could Trump not pardon the January 6th insurgents? In his mind they were patriots stopping the steal. The question is does Trump really believe this? I'm not sure he does or cares what the truth is. The Pardons are simply a justification to validate his meme. If he can justify this what else can he justify? My two cents.
"How could Trump not pardon the January 6th insurgents? In his mind they were patriots stopping the steal. "
I hope you're not thinking that Trump's or the 1/6 rioters' belief systems is pertinent to their culpability. Once the individual states certify their election results, our Constitution - specifically Art. II and the 12th A. - determines the outcome. The rest is ceremonial, with rare exceptions - e.g. Congress finds hard evidence that states legislatures and governors were complicit in fraudulent vote counts - that don't apply here. Beliefs hardly mitigate culpability for rioting, assaults, or defacing property.
"I'm not sure he does or cares what the truth is. "
I'm sure he cares about the truth only when it supports his ends. I'm sure that he's amoral, except perhaps in certain non-political matters.
"I hope you're not thinking that Trump's or the 1/6 rioters' belief systems is pertinent to their culpability. "
I'm not thinking that. I'm trying to wrap my head around Trump's warped perception of January 6th which is no easy task.
Gentlemen - I see J6 as an original 'Tea Party'-like event. Patriots petitioning the government to acknowledge the irregularities of 2020 election and it did get out of hand. The only death that day was a patriot, veteran Babbit - shot by a policeman and then covered up by the media. It was surely not a BLM-like riot in MN. But whatshisname and Bernie, and the left like to make it the worst day ever. It was not anywhere close to Minneapolis that WAS the worst day ever, but played down by the left media who made the drug addict, counterfeiter the victim, justifying the REAL riot. BR
I hope you're braving the weather there. It's getting cold where I am. It even gets down into the low 60s at night. :)
Well, I woke up to about -10 in my town. And that's not wind chill. But heat wave of mid-thirties this week though. I dream of 60's.