"Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself"

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We need more Bernies

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Thanks Det. Much appreciated.

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Unfortunately, not enough to go around.

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Some thoughts:

Sir Bernie writes that the progressive liberal woman refuses to visit her conservative brother because he lives in a red state. Not surprising but I do wonder if the conservative brother is willing to visiting HER in the blue state. Why? Because In my experience I see liberals abandoning conservative friends and relatives much more often than the other way around. Liberals (especially those who call themselves “progressives,” )tend to he the ones that want to shut down discussions whenever their narrative gets contradicted. Furthermore, as right wingers used to shut down discussions with accusations of “pinko commie” back im the day., contemporary liberals use the same tactics with charges of “racist, sexist, Islamophobe, homophobe, transphobe, etc”. Funny how the left currently embraces the tactics of the man they claim to despise.

. And while some drunk (or sober) NASCAR fans may take the foolish road of wickedness and harass an obvious Biden supporter, I believe a guy with a MAGA hat is more likely to be physically assaulted on the New York subway thsn the other way around at the NASCAR rally, because from 2016 onward many suspected Trump voters WERE physically attacked. Had it been the other way around more often, well I believe the news media would have been gleefully reporting it.

Finally, whether he realizes it or not, Btll Maher ushered a lot of this in himself. He himself said in his own show that he believed that Trump colluded with Russia to beat Hilary. He himself went on for many years making conservatives out to be stupid and wicked and not worth listening to. I wonder how many conservative friends he hung out with during the last 30 plus years.

Maher claims that he himself has not changed, but the left did. Maybe so, but Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert snd the rest of their ilk made it cool for a segment of the nation to continue the junior high bullying of the “uncool traditional values- holding conservative squares” that are not welcome at the cool kids’ lunch table and parties. What Maher failed to take into account is that realistically, the “cool kids” seldom actually like EACH OTHER, and when the especially dirty business of politics is added to the mix, it makes the divisions even nastier. Bill kept feeding the alligators for many years….now the alligators are coming for HIM! I wish he could see and acknowledge that.

His Utmost Excellenxy, The Emperor, has spoken.

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Maher is not as analytical as he thinks he is - and his understanding of the law is amateurish.

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I hear about these relatives not talking over politics. Now we have liberal rednecks ain't it cool

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Bernie and John, I have never been that concerned about Hunter Bidens gun violation. In the charities I'm involved in and for experience with some Friends, I know the hell of addictions. It seems Hunter has cleaned up his act and I am hoping the judge will judge leniency and hold him to probation with restrictions.

Don't get me going on the Biden family corruption. That's a different story to me. Your thoughts on the Hunter conviction?

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Problem zero. We no longer have a common experience anymore. A rich man never gets to know a poor one.

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