Extra! Extra! Libs Care About Civility
This just in: Liberals in and out of the media care about civility in our public discourse.
This is great news and we should all welcome it.
What brought this concern for decency about are those reports all over the news about threats against Democrats who voted for ObamaCare. And let’s be clear: every decent American should deplore the actions of the morons who call up Members of Congress and leave vulgar, threatening messages.
So hats off to everyone who has condemned this kind of behavior – especially my liberal friends in the media who can’t get enough of this story – since it feeds into their narrative that conservatives are racist goons.
But you know, the lamestream media would have a lot more credibility if they had shown the least bit of concern for civility when the targets were conservatives – and the thugs were their fellow liberals.
Just a few days ago, college students in Ottawa threw a temper tantrum and wouldn’t let Ann Coulter speak on their campus. You see, Ann committed a major offense: she wanted to say things they didn’t want to hear. Or to put it another way: she’s a conservative.
Remember all the outrage in America’s mainstream media over that? Neither do I.
And you’ve heard about all the liberal outrage brought on by hateful conservatives who apparently have been leaving threatening messages on Congressman Bart Stupak’s answering machine. Funny, but I don’t recall any outrage when liberals left hateful messages on that same machine when Stupak was going to vote against healthcare reform. The messages only became newsworthy to those objective journalists when Stupak changed his mind, voted for ObamaCare, and became a hero of the American Left in general and to lamestream journalists in particular.
And maybe I was in a coma a few years back, but I don’t recall any liberal outrage when some lefty made a movie about the assassination of an American president. And not just any generic president. No, this was a movie about the assassination of President George W. Bush.
Imagine if some right-wing artiste made a movie about the assassination of President Barack Obama. We’d never hear the end of it, and rightly so. But when the movie is about killing W, well then it’s just art.
Maybe selective outrage is part of the human condition and liberals aren’t the only ones who employ it when it suits their purpose. But right now, they’re the ones who are crying over the state of our republic and saying we need to be more civil, even though they never cared about civility when the “bad guys” were being targeted. So libs are the ones who right now look like the hypocrites that they are.