A summer morning, a long time ago, I’m eating a bowl of Wheaties with a picture of Bruce Jenner running with a javelin on its box. His Olympic achievement was impressive. Dressing up like Audrey Hepburn is not an achievement. This morning, all these years latter, I still respect Jenner - and eat Wheaties. As for “Audrey,” no - as for Bud Lite, a sympathetic no, too. Given the plethora of positive role models available, Bud rummaged the attic to find a costumed irritant to promote its brand. If I ever see a picture of that man-swimmer who usurped women’s swimming competitions on the box cover of Wheaties, I’ll not buy it....
A summer morning, a long time ago, I’m eating a bowl of Wheaties with a picture of Bruce Jenner running with a javelin on its box. His Olympic achievement was impressive. Dressing up like Audrey Hepburn is not an achievement. This morning, all these years latter, I still respect Jenner - and eat Wheaties. As for “Audrey,” no - as for Bud Lite, a sympathetic no, too. Given the plethora of positive role models available, Bud rummaged the attic to find a costumed irritant to promote its brand. If I ever see a picture of that man-swimmer who usurped women’s swimming competitions on the box cover of Wheaties, I’ll not buy it....