Could it be that Joe Biden is getting a bad rap for his seemingly ridiculous comment about how his multi-trillion dollar “human infrastructure” bill actually costs nothing?
Here’s what he said – with a straight face: “Every time . . . I hear, ‘This is going to cost A, B, C or D,’ the truth is, based on the commitment I’ve made, it’s going to cost nothing. Because we’re going to raise the revenue.”
Think about that. If you pay for something it costs nothing. Why didn’t I (or you!) think of that?
I just bought a brand new house. I thought it set me back a few bucks. But now I understand that it cost me nothing. Because I paid for it. Thanks, Joe. I feel much better now.
I think I’ll book a flight to Las Vegas to test my luck at the tables. If I win, well, I win. And if I lose, I win – because since I paid for all of it, it cost me nothing. Someone call the Nobel folks and give Mr. Biden a prize in economics.
I’m starting to think ole’ Joe is smarter than I thought, and probably you thought too, because the line about how the gazillion dollar bill cost nothing isn’t the only brilliant observation he recently came up with. “Every element of my economic plan is overwhelmingly popular,” he said. “But the problem is, with everything happening, not everybody knows what’s in that plan.”
The man is a genius! His plan is popular because “with everything happening” we don’t know what’s in it.
By “with everything happening” I wonder what he could possibly mean: His botched departure from Afghanistan? The mess he created on our southern border? No way. If there was anything wrong with either of those two things – and there wasn’t! – it was someone else’s fault.
“It is as though Mrs. Lincoln had said of that fateful 1865 Ford’s Theatre production of ‘Our American Cousin,’ ‘It was a very good play, but the problem is, with everything happening, not everybody knows what was in it,’” is how Gerry Baker put it in the Wall Street Journal. Journalists can be so cynical, can’t they?
Let’s be fair. There’s more than a little logic in Mr. Biden’s observation about how everybody loves his plan even though they have no idea what’s in the plan. Here’s more from Mr. Baker: “I’ll leave you to guess what might have been the response from a scornful media if Donald Trump had said something like this, but logically it does suggest the strong possibility that the reason the plan might be popular, as Mr. Biden claims, is precisely because people don’t know what’s in it.”
You have to hand it to the president. He learned from a master – Nancy Pelosi. Remember what she said about Barack Obama’s healthcare bill – about how Congress had to pass it before we could know what was in it?
That’s what the president is essentially saying: People love my tax and spend bill because they won’t know what’s in it until we pass it.
Abe Lincoln supposedly said,“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
This just in: Joe Biden can’t fool anybody with his nonsensical line about how we can get trillions of dollars of goodies – for free. But don’t blame Joe. He only says what the PR wizards behind the curtain tell him to say.
Here’s an idea: They ought to tell him to take a nap -- and hope he doesn’t talk in his sleep.
Note from Bernie: Author John A. Daly (who writes for my website) has a new novel coming out that's now available for pre-order: Restitution: A Sean Coleman Thriller. It's from an award-winning series, and you can learn more about it here.
It's available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and elsewhere!
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Could it be that we've been relativizing the truth for so long that this bombastic fallacy cannot even create a ripple in the Press Room? The " your truth" trope seems tailor made for a cut/paste/repost world where no one has to listen or be challenged beyond preexisting ideas.
To me, the most frightening aspect of our time is that the larger political middle that we've relied on for so long to keep our ship of state from drifting into existentially dangerous seas is precipitously shrinking.The constant pressure is for people to " take a side" and as soon as one does , the ability to reason and think beyond a template disappears. So old Joe can say what he wants as he counts on the mind numbed faithful to perpetuate whatever fantasy he's selling. Trump didn't create it but he sure added to the poisonous atmosphere. And the band plays on.