As a single-issue voter on the Forrest Gump controversy, Kimberly has my vote & was wise to drop Daly from her ticket for that reason alone. I'm not bothered with her stance on Deanna Troi, but politically I'd advise her to avoid discussing the half-human, half-Betazoid aspect, for fear of being mis-labeled as speciest (which is worse than "weird"). But it still doesn't really address the elephant in that room & larger point there - that Voyager was far superior to Next Generation.

Minor disagreement on the Chic fries, as I'm hoping she'd at least admit they SMELL delicious. Finally - as Robert A George recently did, she also needs to add being anti-Imagine to her platform. If her merch includes an "Imagine" t-shirt with a big red X through it, I would definitely wear it & generally expect her merch sales would increase afterwards.

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I actually thought Deana Troi looked better in the latter seasons when they had her wear a regular uniform, and gave her some command training, rather than have her being obvious over-the-top eye candy.

By the way, Deep Space Nine was the second best Star Trek series, second only to the the Original Series. One of the reasons I disagree with Kimberly on Forrest Gump, is the the film developed the technology to insert characters from Deep Space Nine in an episode of The Original Series (The Trouble With Tribbles / Trials and Tribbulations).

I do agree with her on Titanic though - it was all the rage when it came out, now I don't care.

Lastly, on the chic fil a issue - I do like their fries, but I LOVE their sandwiches, so I typically skip the fries, and get two sandwiches - deluxe, no cheese.

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One other thing Kimberly 100% nailed - the 2 worst months are absolutely January & August. I thought I was the only one.

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>>I actually thought Deana Troi looked better in the latter seasons when they had her wear a regular uniform,

Now that you mention it, I did too.

>>By the way, Deep Space Nine was the second best Star Trek series, second only to the the Original Series.

I think I liked it the least, to be honest.

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To compare Kamala to President Trump is 80 IQ thinking right out of my shoot.

She is a blatant fake who would say anything do anything to gain power…

President Trump doesn’t have to torture himself by doing this. He loves the USA and wants to see it return to greatness.

The fake media and Justice department have gone after him like no other candidate.

I am Independent and I don’t understand anyone voting for someone who f… their way to the top

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>>To compare Kamala to President Trump is 80 IQ thinking right out of my shoot.

Lol. Well hi there, G.

Trump has reversed his positions on lots of issues in his relatively short time as a politician — basically whenever it's been politically helpful to do so. That's the comparison that was made to Harris. The big difference, as I stated, is that Harris is doing it at breakneck speed.

>>She is a blatant fake who would say anything do anything to gain power…

Yeah, I'm not a fan.

>>President Trump doesn’t have to torture himself by doing this.

By running for president? No one does. But presidents can pardon themselves for crimes, and that's clearly a big motivator for Trump.

>>He loves the USA and wants to see it return to greatness.

Really? Do people who love the USA try to overturn U.S. elections to stay in power, mock American POWs for their capture, and be embarrassed by the presence of injured U.S. veterans? https://www.bernardgoldberg.com/p/a-reminder-of-trumps-perverse-views

>>The fake media and Justice department have gone after him like no other candidate.

In fairness, no other candidate has done things like refuse to give back top-secret documents, and obstruct legal efforts to retrieve them. Same goes for trying to pressure election officials to change vote totals.

>>I am Independent and I don’t understand anyone voting for someone who f… their way to the top

I mean, if Trump supporters want to run their guy's sex life and infidelities up against Harris, I wish them luck.

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John (not Bernie) - yet another good interview, you really let your guests speak without interruption. I like it. Everyone in politics is weird, that's why they're in politics, including you talking heads (same as it ever was). Like cackling Kamala isn't weird? She is nothing if not Weird, pick any video of her, it is inexcapable. And remember, whatever the left says about the right, is the what the left already is. I think all the never-TRUMP conservatives need to dismount their high horses and fall in with Trump now, because the alternative now is the cackler. Do you really want 4 years of that? Not me. Finally, get off the Jan. 6 issue already, it was a Hollywood leftist fantasy made for TV. Pelosi is on video tape saying it was HER responsibility, NOT Trump's. Enough already. BR

Bob Ricketts

Aliso Viejo CA

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>>yet another good interview, you really let your guests speak without interruption.

Thanks. That's been my intent with these interviews — collecting insight. I have no interest in talking over people.

>>And remember, whatever the left says about the right, is the what the left already is.

And vice versa.

>>I think all the never-TRUMP conservatives need to dismount their high horses and fall in with Trump now, because the alternative now is the cackler.

Not me. And I'm curious why you think conservatives, who didn't vote for Trump against Clinton and Biden, would decide — AFTER Trump tried to overturn U.S. democracy and caused an insurrection at the Capitol — to support him. Because of Kamala's cackle? Personally, I don't find her any more or less appealing than Clinton and Biden.

>>Do you really want 4 years of that?

I don't want 4 years of either of those two.

>>Finally, get off the Jan. 6 issue already,

No. I find provoking a deadly insurrection with two months of election lies disqualifying for public office. The same goes for promising pardons for participants who beat the crap out of cops. And you'd agree with me... if it had been someone other than Trump who'd done it.

>>it was a Hollywood leftist fantasy made for TV. Pelosi is on video tape saying it was HER responsibility, NOT Trump's.

Nope. That's nonsense.

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Kimberly Ross appears to be very shallow. I don’t think she’s a Republican at Heart. I don’t know if she’s for god and country. Vice president Harris is for herself.

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>> Kimberly Ross appears to be very shallow.

Because she disagrees with you?

>>I don’t think she’s a Republican at Heart.

Who wants to be a Republican at heart? She's a conservative at heart, which most Republicans these days aren't.

>>I don’t know if she’s for god and country.

I do. She is.

>>Vice president Harris is for herself.

As is Trump.

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