Hello, everybody, and welcome to another edition of the No BS Zone. I'm Bernie Goldberg with my friend from the Rocky Mountains, John Daly. How are you doing, John?
I'm doing good, Bernie. How about you?
Well, I'm doing good, except this topic that we're going to be talking about today drives me nuts. I want to start with a story that's outrageous, but not surprising. Fox News has hired Lara Trump to do a show on the weekends. Lara Trump is Donald Trump's daughter-in-law and former co-chair of the RNC. You can't do this.

Lara Trump at Fox, and Donald Trump and Elon Musk Take on the Media

Bernie and John talk about Fox News surrendering more credibility, and efforts to silence and intimidate news organizations.

Welcome to episode 76 of Bernie Goldberg’s No BS Zone.

This week, Bernie and John discuss Lara Trump getting her own show on Fox News, and Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s attacks on the legacy media.

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Discussion about this video

First Bernie, and perhaps most importantly, the new AI background allows your aura of spirituality to glow about you. Clearly, the heavens are on your side. :)

Otherwise, I could liken Suzzane Scott to a pimp, but that would be an insult to all the hard-working pimps across this great land who are more honest about their stock-in-trade.

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You guys are beautiful,I can't help but agree 110%. I've got unsettling thoughts with the Putin/Trump situation. They have NOT spoken directly, I doubt they'll meet any time soon; I believe Putin would love to eliminate Trump. Trump quoted saying ", well, let's just say I talked to him." O'Reilly's new book 'Confro ting Evil has Putin on the list. I believe Trump is scared to meet him in person. Any thoughts on that?

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I'll add this to this week's Q&A. Thanks Sharon.

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Mr. Goldberg: In my opinion ALL of the News organizations including FOX are as Fake as your beautiful new set (background). I’m waiting for Melania’s new show on FOX News!

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Good one my good friend from WTVJ and beyond.

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Bernie, to say there was no precedent is to ignore Eleanor Roosevelt’s weekly radio show during FDR’s term. Is that because it was radio when there was no television.

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So CNN shouldn’t have had Mary Trump either—close relative and all.

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Mary Trump never worked for CNN.

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To be clear—CNN featured Mary Trump many times as a guest. Does CNN routinely pay guests or is this a volunteer capacity? I’m old enough to remember that returning guests often are hired in some capacity or paid. But regardless of if she was paid to appear, she was regularly featured to appear on CNN and is a close relative.

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>>To be clear—CNN featured Mary Trump many times as a guest.

Correct, just like Fox has featured practically every other Trump family member as a guest about a gazillion times each.

>>Does CNN routinely pay guests or is this a volunteer capacity?

Volunteer. The same goes for the other networks. If you're hired as a contributor, you definitely get paid, but for guests it's very rare.

>>But regardless of if she was paid to appear, she was regularly featured to appear on CNN and is a close relative.

Yes, again like practically every other Trump family member on Fox. Bernie and I have no problem with that.

Lastly, was Mary really presented as a "close" relative by CNN? I don't recall that, and I think it's pretty clear she's not close with Donald Trump and his immediate family.

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The thing for me is that the media has been knighting relatives of politicians as pseudo-celebrities, for and against, and it just has to stop.

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Oh, I'm all for knocking that off.

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Bernie and whatsisname - You two sound like an echo chamber, the same message, you just reinforce each other's message all the time, not sure we need two saying the same thing. You're all wound up about Fox News/Lara Trump - I don't like it either. But Lyin' Biden's family money laundering scheme of 100's of million $$ gets your complete pass and goes to the background? I guess the Lyin' Biden pardons worked. We need some courageous State AGs to get around the Federal pardons. BR

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(Bob's programmer is really phoning it in these days).

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Stuck in a loop, needs a hard reboot....

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