I remember in the 80s Jesse Helms took issue with CBS and particularly Dan Rather.... who just took over for Cronkite. "CBS IS RATHER BIAS" bumper stickers were all over NC. I believe some of his beef was also with local CBS affiliate WRAL. (I believe at that time) This was during your tenure with the network and before the term "woke" was even thought of. Was the Dixiecrat just playing to his base then and CBS actually "fair and balanced" then.... or was it slowly changing as later described in your book? I believe the vast majority of citizens still long for trusted media.... without an agenda. You are our only hope Obi-Wan Goldberg.

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Fish don’t know they’re wet - and pigs can’t fly.. The news media are essentially cut from the same cloth whereas diversity of thought can’t exist. You are your experiences and education. Journalism and other liberal art schools are monolithic in thought - competing arguments are squelched. New hires from these institutions read from the same script. To become valid again, soft-skilled hires should be avoided - it is better to have an inarticulate pipe-fitter tell me what is happening in the street than a polished soft-skilled shmuck whose ass was kissed by the prevailing intelligentsia.

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And one wonders why so many Americans hate America but sympathize with terrorists?

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I don’t really wonder that; as you and Sir Bernie demonstrate, it’s pretty obvious. What I cannot figure out is why so many members of that intersectional liberal coalition of the oppressed didn’t realize from the start that when they ally themselves with like minded anti-western hateful people (such as the Islamofascist Jihadists) that one reason such Allies hate the west is because of many of the values and narratives that the liberals try to enforce. This eventually leads to the liberals being exploited as the useful idiots they are until they are no longer useful and thus become USELESS Idiots.

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👏👏👏👏👏. I am a libertarian who is amazed by how many of my liberal friends refuse to believe what James Bennet, once the consummate insider there, succinctly phrases as the once liberal NYT has become illiberal. Look forward to reading the article in its entirety.I am afraid that it you are correct and that it wil not get the wide dissemination and vigorous discussion that it so clearly deserves. The point concerning the juxtaposition of the treatment of Senator Colton vs the leader of the Taliban is pitch perfect.

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Bernie, I have always admire your work - and this column adds to your legacy for truth telling.

I was especially delighted when you changed your opinion about two decades ago, and said that the problem had morphed from media 'bias' into something far more insidious - media 'corruption'. Thank you for continuing to lead this all-important fight to bring some semblance of truth and honesty to the media.

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NPR: Nonsense Polluting Reason

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Something conservatives knew for years already. When can we start a petition to end public funding for NPR as they make it a point to trash half the country on a daily basis. If you hate us so much why take our tax dollars or use us to send your privileged children to college?

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They are GOD awful. When I worked for a union I was forced to listen. Truly despicable

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Amazing how they claim to be so “tolerant” until somebody disagrees with them

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They are the most intolerant little people on earth

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When have conservatives been wrong??!!

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