Forget about voters being economically literate, let's just start with politically literate and work up from there.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people in the USA entrust their welfare to individual candidates the likes of Carrie Lake, MTG, Mark Robinson et al. without even digging past the headline propaganda.
Forget about voters being economically literate, let's just start with politically literate and work up from there.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people in the USA entrust their welfare to individual candidates the likes of Carrie Lake, MTG, Mark Robinson et al. without even digging past the headline propaganda.
If there's one adavantage of compuslory voting, like in Australia, it at least engages voters to scrutinize the candidates that are going to represent them more closely (discounting the rusted on voters of either party) and raises political awareness across the board.
Forget about voters being economically literate, let's just start with politically literate and work up from there.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people in the USA entrust their welfare to individual candidates the likes of Carrie Lake, MTG, Mark Robinson et al. without even digging past the headline propaganda.
If there's one adavantage of compuslory voting, like in Australia, it at least engages voters to scrutinize the candidates that are going to represent them more closely (discounting the rusted on voters of either party) and raises political awareness across the board.
Far too many people view politics as entertainment, and entertainers are held to much lower standards.