Is the Michael Bean thing true?

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Carlson’s following is peeling away? That makes me very happy, that alone makes it a good new year! As someone who used to watch Tucker every night, but never saw past his self righteous gloating, I can’t understand how people still take this clown seriously. I think he knows a big portion of his followers are gullible and he can say literally anything and keep them, but maybe people are starting to see through him. I’m not even sure your satiric post is even too farfetched for him

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Viewership of his online show was inflated from the onset. Elon Musk gave it prime placement on Twitter, and everyone whose screen it popped up on (even if they quickly dismissed it or scrolled right past it in their feed) was counted as a view. So, since there are hundreds of millions of people are on Twitter worldwide, it didn't take much to brag big numbers.

But over time, after that prime placement went away (in part from people blocking or muting Carlson), the numbers rapidly declined. They're still highly inflated, but people knows what's up.

>>I’m not even sure your satiric post is even too farfetched for him

I don't think it is either.

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I hope people continue to learn what a fraud he is. I learned. I used to be a prime viewer of his show

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