17 hrs agoLiked by John A. Daly

Bout' sums it up! Great article that hits hard at those of us riding the fence on voting for the "lesser of two evils". For those that say to me " If you don't vote, you have no right to complain," I will use your " crap sandwich" analogy. Thank you!

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18 hrs agoLiked by John A. Daly

Amen! It’s lonely being in the group of few who still care about principles instead of what’s all the rage on both sides. Yes it’s lonely, at times depressing and I’m pretty sure I’ve lost friends over it but the hell with it. These people are the reason we’re in this political wasteland, not us. I hope someday they all will see how embarrassingly they acted towards their friends and family over this. Although I’m not holding my breath

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Here's why I'm voting for Trump. If Harris wins, which she probably will; she will raise taxes unless stopped by a GOP house and senate. Because that's what Dems do- they raise taxes. That for me is the bottom line. And if Trump gets it and tries another J6 in 2028; if you go out there, you deserve what you get. But guaranteed if Harris wins and enough Dem congressional people are elected; the first thing they will do is raise taxes. And then everything else will go back to the way it was before these last three months. The number of immigrants crossing the border will go back to the number it was, there will be another 70,000 fentanyl deaths a year, and "Bidenomics" will falter. Because the Dems will have gotten what they really want. In the 90's I made $10.00/hr ie. $800.00 a month, which was substinance, above minimum wage. THE CLINTON AFMINISTRATION TOOK OUT 1/3 of my paycheck for taxes! That's when I learned.

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A few things of note:

- both candidates are proposing raising taxes (U.S. tariffs are taxes on Americans).

- both candidates' economic proposals are awful, though independent scores (which Brian R. and I talked about earlier this week) show Trump's will add more debt than Harris's, as well as drive inflation higher than hers.

- The GOP will finally win the Senate majority. The only real question is how big of a majority they'll have. This would be a major obstacle for any new taxes Harris would try to push through, and I think a GOP Senate, with Trump sidelined, would actually push through James Lankford's bipartisan border bill that she's been saying for months that she'll sign.

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John, I feel your frustration! But, vote or not, you too will have crap stuck in your teeth, anyway. Not voting is not immunity from the crap-sandwiches. The two are cringingly horrible, noted, but the machines backing them are not equal.. this is where the devastation will come from. You can't possibly believe impaired Biden made any decisions, or that the Cackling imbecile would be making any. The Dem machine enabled 10s of millions of ILLEGALS to descend on our country, drove inflation through the roof, enabled rampant crime (which the FBI quietly adjusts stats after lying), sent $billions for non-winnable wars to one of the most corrupt places in the world, are forgiving $billions in student loans (what!!).. on and on. In the meantime we must "pay our fair share" whatever that is?! And the Cackler promises to give $billion more away to buy votes at our expense.

If this corrupt machine stays in power, "Adios America!" Dem party has been entirely highjacked by dangerous morons.

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Oh both of these candidates will put us in a world of hurt for sure... if they do what they've been campaigning on doing. I wish the parties would have nominated fit individuals, but neither did.

I do, in fact, believe Biden made decisions. Mostly bad ones. Harris and Trump have, and will, make bad decisions too.

I'm with you on the border. Regarding inflation, Ukraine, etc. I recommend you watch my interview with Brian Reidl this week.

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"2020 losers Halley, Christie, or traitor Les Cheney." Did any of these individuals run for president in '20? By the way, who is Les Cheney?

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>>By the way, who is Les Cheney?

He has some bugs in his programming.

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So John - being the righteous professed conservative stickler withholding your vote to register your opinion of this election's candidates, you've decided to not vote, the equivalent of taking your marbles and going home. Even though - at least one of these Presidential candidates ran the nomination course beginning to end. and beat all challengers. But in your mind, the Jan6 Democratic one sided fantasy crushes everything. And you are entitled to your opinion.

So, who would you vote for this year, if you could waive a righteous wand? (Please, please don't say 2020 losers Halley, Christie, or traitor Les Cheney).


Bob Ricketts Aliso Viejo CA

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>>So John - being the righteous professed conservative stickler

Aka, a dude choosing not to eat crap.

>>withholding your vote

Only from unfit candidates. I'm still voting.

>>to register your opinion

No, to exercise my right to vote for an individual fit for office.

>>you've decided to not vote

No, I'm definitely voting.

>>equivalent of taking your marbles and going home

No, the equivalent of not handing over my marbles to a bozo.

>>Even though - at least one of these Presidential candidates ran the nomination course beginning to end.

I'm supposed to be impressed that a crap party nominated a crap candidate who was afraid to debate his primary opponents?

>>But in your mind, the Jan6 Democratic one sided fantasy crushes everything.

No, Donald Trump was unfit for office before January 6, and also before he tried to overturn U.S. democracy. Those events just proved it beyond all doubt.

>>So, who would you vote for this year, if you could waive a righteous wand? (Please, please don't say 2020 losers Halley, Christie, or traitor Les Cheney).

I'd vote for any of those people. They're fit for office.

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12 hrs agoLiked by John A. Daly

You might want to update your chatBot code to include a spell check, Bob...

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