My take-away from the debates are that many, if not most, Democrats got the reality check. If you don't watch Fox or other right sites as well as the MSM, you probably were not aware of Bidens mental frailties. Or, bought the line that those videos were taken out of context or AI enhanced.

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Stirewalt? Someone still pays him?

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17 hrs agoLiked by John A. Daly

You are full of passionate partisan nincompoopery. LOL & QED

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Whatever you say, Liz.

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I realize that he remains unpopular among individuals more interested in humping Trump's leg than the welfare of our nation.

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I suspect you guys will discuss in this week's no BS zone, but where would you and Bernie place the odds that Biden is replaced? Besides getting Biden to cooperate, which would be done by convincing his wife that she should stop pimping out her demented husband so she can live in the White House, there is the Kamala Harris problem.

If Biden steps down, KH is the heir apparent, is she not? And IF she is not, why not? We were assured for the past four years that she is ready to step in immediately to assume the presidency.

The problem is she has demonstrated over and over again that she is neither competent nor articulate, and her popularity with voters is worse than Biden's even in his diminished state. In other words, it's not at all clear that she could beat Donald Trump.

If the Democrats replace her on the ticket, they will a) offend the Left wing of their party by removing a "woman of color" - which is of course why she got the VP job in the first place, and b) be admitting that they made a mistake making her Biden's VP in the first place, putting identity politics over competence.

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This will indeed be the topic of this week's No BS Zone. And I'll incorporate these questions into the discussion.

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I don't know how you can replace Harris from the ticket. If she was good enough for 1st in line, she would have to be the candidate. I guess anything is possible and who knows where this is going. Right now the Dem leadership is trying to come up with a path to replace Biden as I am sure it's going to happen.

Second, I would not underestimate Harris if she was to take over the second debate. They'll have her prepared and all they have to do is get Trump Bullsh###ng again.

Now I could be wrong on both of these points as I was wrong once before I believe it occurred in October of 1989. LOL.

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