Didn't entirely follow you on this one & why a Trump public admission matters so much...

Trump lost in 2020, he KNOWS he lost; he just never wanted to say it out loud bc he didn't want to be thought of as a loser. So basically he lied instead, only really fooling the subset of true believers. So what's the point of asking him a question about the past that most voters don't care about? I'm not sure how you think this plays out if he's asked? He'd almost certainly just lie again & it wouldn't change one vote.

// the Big Lie

A bit surprised you used that phrase. Not sure you're aware of where the term originated from? Sorry, pet peeve of mine.

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>>Trump lost in 2020, he KNOWS he lost; he just never wanted to say it out loud bc he didn't want to be thought of as a loser. So basically he lied instead

You know this, and I know this, but millions of Americans (including most Republicans) absolutely believed him (and still do). They earnestly think U.S. democracy was stolen to install Biden in office. And I described in my column the additional consequences of that lie. People are dead because of it. People (including those who'd never had a criminal record) are in prison because of it. Severely beaten police officers had to retire from the force because of it. Election officials' lives were upended over it, and to this day face death threats. There's more, and that's before you even get the political ramifications for the GOP.

>>So what's the point of asking him a question about the past that most voters don't care about?

Because, after all he's put America through with that lie, he's now cavalierly admitting he lost (without acknowledging that he lied). Like I said in the piece, Kamala Harris should be called on to explain her flip-flops. This flip-flop from Trump is far more dramatic than hers, and he should be called out as well to explain his shift.

>>I'm not sure how you think this plays out if he's asked? He'd almost certainly just lie again & it wouldn't change one vote.

Maybe. But let's find out what he says.

// the Big Lie

It's been commonly used for years to describe Trump's election lie. Dictionary definition: "a deliberate gross distortion of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic." Does that not fit?

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// Does that not fit?

When it's capitalized like that - absolutely NOT. I'd request you to take a few seconds to google search the origin of that term & then explain why, in Trump's context, it DOES rise to the level of its original intention.

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It's capitalized because it's a proper noun, commonly used for almost four years to describe a specific lie.

If this is an origin-story objection, I regret to inform you that I've also signed bookplates.

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And why should it be a proper noun? Let me spell this out for you John - Hitler coined the term, as it comes directly from Mein Kampf. After Trump lied about the election, a couple historians (who had written books on Nazi Germany) intentionally started using that same term to apply to Trump's lie, after which it was then propagated in certain media.

So what I actually object to is invoking the entire Trump = literally Hitler narrative. I know you aren't in that camp, which is why I was curious when you used the term. So I suspect you did so unwittingly, but will chalk all the facts I outlined to mere coincidence...which is quite the take.

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John - you never-Trumpers always conveniently forget to mention Trump was WINNING the 2020 Presidential election when everyone signed off election night and went to bed. Then, ballot miracles occur, all favoring Biden. It started to occur like carefully arranged dominos, as if they were 'planned' to fill each critical State gap, reversing the results in Biden's favor. Now we have all seen how the courts have been corrupted, and each court case goes Biden's way, more 'miracles' that you bought into. Then you drink the Kool Aid of the completely biased Jan6 committee with no political balance that created the Hollywood fantasy the Dems perpetrated and fits your never-Trump convictions. You can't even acknowlege the Pelosi video capturing her admission of NOT calling up the National Guard to protect the Capital. That admission shatters your never-Trump fantasy. So you can drop the conservative illusion you developed and admit what is becoming obvious, you are a flaming liberal talking head. That is why you and Berne agree on almost everything. Birds of a feather do flock together. BR

Bob Ricketts

Aliso Viejo CA

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

>>John - you never-Trumpers always conveniently forget to mention Trump was WINNING the 2020 Presidential election when everyone signed off election night and went to bed.


>>Now we have all seen how the courts have been corrupted, and each court case goes Biden's way,


>>completely biased Jan6 committee with no political balance


You can't even acknowlege the Pelosi video capturing her admission of NOT calling up the National Guard to protect the Capital.



>>So you can drop the conservative illusion


Cry more, lib.

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John - just because the liberal rag Washington Post pens articles does NOT make it a fact. Isn't Jeff Bezos, owner of WAPO, a never-trump guy? I still don't understand your weak National Guard reference? "Knock Knock, HELL-O McFly" Pelosi was videoed by her daughter admitting she caused JAN6 incident when she refused National Guard US Capital protection and the Mayor of Wash DC replied in writing denying National Guard protection. What more do you need to shatter your JAN6 Democrat Hollywood produced fantasy? And your poor old me rant does not make you a conservative. I watch what you DO, not what you SAY. Supporting the Cackler does it all. BR

Bob Ricketts

Aliso Viejo CA

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>>John - just because the liberal rag Washington Post pens articles does NOT make it a fact.


>> I still don't understand your weak National Guard reference?


>>And your poor old me rant does not make you a conservative.

I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy tomorrow's Q&A.

In the meantime, cry more, lib.

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My question is who is the best candidate for this country. Trump or Harris?

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Sep 10Liked by John A. Daly

Neither. Harris would continue the progressive Left's policies that are in progress under Biden, and will accelerate. Trump, unlike in his first term, will surround himself with unqualified sycophants who will do whatever he tells them without question, regardless of rationality or legality.

The best realistic outcome MAY be Harris winning the White House, while the GOP controls the House, the Senate and the SCOTUS to keep her in check.

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Pretty much my thoughts.

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Vice president Harris WoodI have so much power regardless of the house or Senators.

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In the VP debate in 2020, Harris did say she was in favor of fracking.

While almost anything Trump says is not surprising, him saying he wants to expand Obamacare certainly is. As I recall, during his presidency he applauded eliminating the mandate. He was also furious at John McCain for not casting the key vote to eliminate Obamacare altogether. I bet he now refers to Obamacare as the ACA. Do you have a link to this?

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Waiting to see how the alt-right media spins Trump's statements. They will probably lean on the mail in ballots to justify the fraud lies.... As Rudy Guliani once said "we have lots of theories, just no evidence".

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Lots of goal-post moving already.

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