Why is Australian made steel being subjected to a 25% tariff when Australia has a trade deficit with the US? Steel makes up less than 1% of our total net exports to the US.

This blanket approach to applying tariffs is nonsensical, and only increases production costs to US businesses.

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John I've been thinking... exactly what "deals" has the "Art of the Deal" man made during his years as president? I googled but just found a list of accomplishments, not specifically "deals" that benefited the U.S.

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John: I'm writing this as a fellow fiscal conservative who is alarmed at (1) the blowout of the federal deficit and national debt, the interest rate of which is now the second largest federal expenditure behind social security, and (2) the lack of will of either the U.S. public or the political class to acknowledge the reality that entitlement spending is just a few years from bankruptcy. Republicans are too busy cutting taxes and deluding themselves into thinking they pay for themselves (they do not), and Democrats are too busy on a general spending spree and deluding themselves into thinking if we only taxed the rich properly (we already do), it would pay for their precious programs that infect every aspect of public life (it won't). Looking at the political realities, but also that this Thelma and Louise fiscal car about to careen off a cliff, what is our path out of this mess?

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Last time I checked the Constitution afforded even non-citizens the right to free speech and due process. I don't think that's changed recently. However, there are other legal options the government can exercise, like rescinding someone's green card if they are found guilty of a crime that warrants it. But that process need to play out first.

They can't just grab someone an put them in a ICE detention center without just cause.

Having said that, my sister (who has a Green Card and is married to an American) has been going through the citizenship process for 7 YEARS, and now faces the possibility of not being a citizen for another 4 years under the Trump administration. So imagine being in that situation.

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What happened to John D.? He was a regular on the Q & A. ;)

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Except for the plan to raise taxes, astute snalysis

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Fun fact: Trump’s tariff hikes are the largest tax increase on Americans since 1993.

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Correct. A tariff is a tax on imported goods. The money goes into the US treasury general affairs budget which can be used for just about anything. U.S. companies usually pass on at least part of the higher costs from tariffs to consumers.

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And a few years after the "biggest tax hike in the history of the world," as many in the national GOP and right-wing pundits put it, there was not only a balanced budget, there were large surpluses "as far as the eye can see," as some national Republicans put it. Of course, the tax hike was coupled with substantial budget cuts.

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President Trump wants Canada to be our 51st state. I support President Trump but a big BUT!

Is Canada liberal is Canada conservative? That is the big butt question. If liberal, the house Democrats would benefit greatly. What’s your views on this issue?

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I've thought about that as well. _IF_ Canada were to agree to join the union, they would almost assuredly be a blue state, which would give the Democrats 2 more senate seats. This is why the Democrats wanted to make DC and PR states 4 years ago. They wanted to create a permanent majority in the Senate, and get rid of the filibuster. They didn't / don't gaf about "representation" from those places.

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They would also have more house representatives than the State of California.

Pretty much ensuring Democrats controlled the house forever.

I doubt Trump has even considered that in his nit-wit approach to governing.

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