Hello, everybody, and welcome to the cleverly named Bernie Goldberg's No BS Zone with my good friend, John Daly. John is unavailable this week, so Jesse Waters is sitting in for him. Jesse, I'm going to talk very slowly, Jesse, to make sure you follow everything that's going on today. How's it going, John?
I'm doing well. How about you, Bernie?
Well, I'm doing a lot better now. There's still no electricity, no water. back in Asheville, but I'm doing okay. Thank you for asking. Before we get going with some of the hot topics of the day, I just want to clear something up or want to get something off my chest.

The Lesser of Two Evils, "Lawfare," Hurricane Politics, and More

Bernie talks about calls on him to make a choice between Trump and Harris, Trump's legal developments, and the politics of Hurricane Helene.

Welcome to episode 68 of Bernie Goldberg’s No BS Zone.

We have a bit of a makeshift installment this week. Bernie was broadcasting from a temporary location, and a family semi-emergency on John’s end cut the episode a little short. Also, at one point, Bernie said “Kamala Harris” when he meant “Nikki Haley,” and John said “two weeks” when he meant “two months.” It was one of those days.

Anyway, the two talked about pressure to make a choice between Trump and Harris, Trump's legal developments, and the politics of Hurricane Helene.


Discussion about this video

Bernie and John,:

For spurning Harris as well as Trump, and Trump as well as Harris, you both have my most profound respect and admiration. You have guts and you think for yourselves. Nonetheless, unlike both of you, I will vote for Trump. I will do so despite having supported Nikki Haley financially; I also consider Ron DeSantis the finest governor in America today. As you have said, either would trounce Harris. And I agree that If Trump loses, GOP voters will have no one to blame but themselves. The GOP is not called "the stupid party" for nothing. But for me, as a Jew and as an American patriot, the paramount issue in this election is the survival of Israel, the nation-state of the Jewish people, like America a democracy, and America's closest ally in the Middle East. Trump and Vance said earlier this week that they would support any Israeli action to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Harris, Walz, Biden, Sullivan, Blinken and Obama have all shown themselves to be enemies of Israel, the destruction of which would not cause them to lose a minute of sleep. They are, if I may be blunt, fools, idiots, and cowards. Biden has already told the Israelis not to attack pre-emptively. The idiocy of appeasing Iran -- easily the stupidest idea thus far of the 21st century -- originated in the Obama Administration, alumni of which populate both the Biden Administration and the Harris campaign; they would surely direct foreign policy in a Harris administration. My question to you is this: am I wrong to support Trump and am I wrong to support Trump for the reason I've indicated? Thank you in advance for your reply. And please don't change who you are and what you believe! Jay Bergman, Professor of History, Central CT State University, New Britain CT, and one of only two self-proclaimed conservatives on a faculty of 456 that consists mostly of left-wing zealots and crazies, some of them pathologically hostile to Israel.

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John, you just confirmed that on net - or on balance - you have no strong preference who wins which is another way of saying that you don't really care who wins.. Again, that isn't using the connotation commonly attached to the phrase "doesn't care."

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Did you seriously not hear the next sentence? Lol.

"I shouldn't say it doesn't matter to me. It does matter to me who our leader is, obviously. But it's just, I don't feel like I should have to choose between these two."

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I seriously did hear that statement and the meme "a gaffe is when you utter the truth" came to mind. It may matter who your leader is, but not really who wins the election.

Do I care who wins the council seat of my district? Not really, they're both pretty much the same and their differences cancel each other. It does matter to me, however, what policies the victor pursues, how he does his job and to a lesser extent how he conducts himself as a public servant..

BTW, you said that Trump's NY cases are political., and I think you may be right. If you're so touchy about someone questioning your motives, however, why do you do so to someone else or, as Bernie puts it, why try to "get into their head."?

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It can't matter that much if you don't vote. What you "feel like" and what's on the table are two different things. That's like saying "I feel like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers should win, but I'm not going to the game, not putting money on the game, not watching the game, & hence, have no skin in the game."

Unless you and Bernie think that not voting is somehow being invested in the process, you don't really have a leg to stand on regarding the outcome.

Sometimes life offers you a set of bad choices, but of the choices that matter, opting out or doing nothing just means you are letting other people decide the outcome.

Sounds like Bernie and yourself are OK with that.

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>>It can't matter that much if you don't vote.

Again, I am voting. I always vote. And I guarantee that I've participated far more deeply, and invested many more hours (and probably money), in my country's electoral process than you have in yours.

>>What you "feel like" and what's on the table are two different things.

Really? Biden won my state by 14 points. Harris will also win it by double-digits. I can "feel" however I want about that, but my presidential vote still won't matter to the outcome.

>>That's like saying "I feel like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers should win, but I'm not going to the game, not putting money on the game, not watching the game, & hence, have no skin in the game."

Didn't you just annihilate your own argument with that?

>>Unless you and Bernie think that not voting is somehow being invested in the process

Why do you keep saying I'm not voting? We've discussed this several times before, as well. I've voted in every presidential election of the last 25 years.

>>you don't really have a leg to stand on regarding the outcome.

I, in fact, don't have a leg to stand on regarding the outcome, nor does any other individual in my deep blue state.

>>Sometimes life offers you a set of bad choices, but of the choices that matter, opting out or doing nothing

Neither of which I'm doing.

>>just means you are letting other people decide the outcome.

Other people are, in fact, deciding the outcome. They're called swing states.

And as I've stated a kazillion times, the root problem is with the parties. They keep choosing terrible candidates, when there are lots of good, viable alternatives.

>>Sounds like Bernie and yourself are OK with that.

Sounds like you have forgotten everything I've ever written about how I choose to vote, as well as how the electoral college works. Weird.

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>That's like saying "I feel like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers should win, but I'm not going to the game, not putting money on the game, not watching the game, & hence, have no skin in the game."

Didn't you just annihilate your own argument with that?

No, he didn't

In his example, FDM doesn't rally care who wins, but has a vague preference for TBB. If TBB loses, as we say in Hawaii, it ain't no big ting brah.

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Well maybe I might have.

Sorry if that's the case.

Bernie's stated he isn't voting. So the comments apply to him as well as anyone else not voting. Which crap sandwich are you buying? Mmmm.

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"Bernie's stated he isn't voting. So the comments apply to him as well as anyone else not voting. "

Here, Bernie's situation may be more nuanced, at least in the 2016 election. He stated on at least one occasion that although he couldn't vote for Trump, he hoped Trump would win by a landslide.

Bernie, Did you want Trump to win in a landslide in 2020? Do you want Trump to win in a landslide this time? Why would you want someone you won't vote for to win in a landslide?

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I agree that Trump shares a large part of the responsibility for J6, but the "dopes" that went out to DC on J6 DID NOT HAVE TO GO OUT THERE BECAUSE TRUMP ASKED THEM TO!!! I voted for Trump in 2020 and I sure wouldn't have gone out to DC on J6 if Trump asked me to, even if he didn't claim the election was stolen! I have two nephews who (I suspect) was part of the insurgency out there, but they'll never admit it. Now, 4 years later, one can't get a steady job and I suspect the other had to beg for his old job back.

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Enough. Going back in my hole.

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Bernie1 & Bernie2 - I finally get it (Cristie comment made it clear), you both are never-Trumpers and it is settled science for you both. Only a RINO will do for you both. You are both so invested in Jan6, all the latest surfacing facts of Pelosi's video Mea Copa turning down the National Guard and Trump offering troops well before the event, the made up Trump reaching for the wheel of the The Beast, the complete biased made-for-Hollywood liberal fantasy TV show starring Les Cheney and the crybaby Congressman from ILL, and hiding of exculpatory video material means nothing to you two. Trump's presidency was so much better than Lyin'Biden - Pres. Biden should be in jail for his money laundering scheme to sell influence with all his family members. And now, the two assassination attempts - that we know of, and the DOJ is trying to bury the assassins story until after the election. Not to mention the VP Cackler's rise to fame through her affair w/Willie Brown. It is clear where you to stand - 4 more years of Biden/Obama disasters. BR

Bob Ricketts Aliso Viejo CA

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Berney, thank you for your reply. You hold Donald Trump responsible for January 6. I blame the national news media for what happened on January 6! I’m a retired Vietnam veteran and I was watching all the news that day on my TV.

All the national news media showed on TV The Senate leader speak against Trump and also another leader speak against Trump before the proceedings of the electoral college when it came to speakers and favorite of what was about to happen. That proceeding was not shown on TV on any of the networks: ABC NBC CBS PBS went into commentary! When that took place, the people on The congress grounds started the commotion that resulted in the so-called resurrection. It was the national news media is fault!!!

Berney and John, please check out what I just stated.

Berney, I am a Chris Kristie fan but he lost his opportunity in 2012 because he was a sure winner if he run for president at that time. It would’ve changed history had he done so!

We in the Republican party keeps looking for leadership and Donald Trump is filling that void. Chris Kristie had his chance in 2012 and I was holy in favor of him.

I was outrage at home that they The National news media

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You brought up this same point, and asked us this same question (which still doesn't make any sense to me), two months ago. We responded in the Q&A: https://www.bernardgoldberg.com/p/bernies-weekly-q-and-a-89

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So, you're saying the crowd at the capitol on January 6 got violent, not because of a fiery speech from the man they worship, but because the broadcast networks (which none of them were watching) changed topics? In what universe does that make ANY sense?

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Yeah, I don't get it at all.

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Thank you for this insightful comment Comrade!🫡

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Bernie, the word you were looking for that describes Trump's condition is EGOMANIAC.

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Here is a comment related to interviews with President Trump, based on Bernie’s comment a few episodes back that Bill O’Reilly should host a presidential debate with DT. Ben Shapiro has just had DT on his program and DT just steamrolled the guy for twenty minutes. Yes, BS is now actively supporting DT. But we need that same critical voice that speaks when DT is not there in person. Compare that to Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Trump: Bill can control the conversation and direct the interview like no one else. While KH goes into friendly zones, DT needs to do more—at least going on BOR. Bill may be friendly to the former president, but he is sincere and is fact based.

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Not only is BO (Bill O'Reilly) friendly to DT, he's rooting for him. He tries to maintain a patina of objectivity, but it's only that.

He deals in partial facts. When he likes the POTUS, or the candidate he describes the glass being half full. When he opposes the POTUS or the candidate, he describes the glass being half empty.

Even in the interview BO had with DT in 2016 - on the heels of DT's dissing John McCain's war record - that BO always touts as "making his [DT's] knees warble," BO's purpose of the interview was rehabilitate DT. He practically forced DT to say that he didn't mean it way it was portrayed., i.e. he threw DT a lifeline and forced him to take it.

Yes, loyalty is important to BO, and he's loyal to his old friend DT. BO was apparently worried that DT's remark about John McCain was DT's death knell, as so many other pundits thought.

It's obvious that BO despises VP Harris. He desperately wants her to lose.

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