Hello, everybody, and welcome to what is ingeniously called the Bernie Goldberg's No BS Zone with John Daly. How you doing, John?
I'm good. How about you, Bernie?
I have a back problem, but that's not for today. Just about every poll, let's start out with the election, which is less than two weeks off. Okay. Just about every poll tells us that it's too close to call, or as my former colleague at CBS News, Dan Rather, might put it,

The State of the Race, Kamala on Fox, Political Masculinity, and More

Bernie and John talks about the presidential race, Bret Baier's interview with Kamala Harris, and the latest political division.

Welcome to episode 69 of Bernie Goldberg’s No BS Zone.

This week, Bernie and John cover the state of the presidential race, Bret Baier’s notable interview with Kamala Harris, masculinity in politics, and more!

Show Notes:


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I agree with you guys. Why Trump has not embraced Nikki Haley is truly a mystery.

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She was mean to him, Tim. Some things are more important than winning elections.

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I am getting ready to submit my Colorado ballot. I am writing in John Daly for president, I kid you not. QED

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Wow! I'm honored. Wait, are you talking about the golfer?

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I thought you might say that, but nope. I will be sure to write in John A. Daly, the worlds' greatest author next to Bernie Goldberg. QED

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That's Yuge!

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Independent here from ND. I guess I'm an alpha male, not voting for Harris...not because of anything other than I believe she's not up to the job. She would be very disrespected amongst our allies.

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I believe Ed's full phrasing was "wanna-be alpha male." 😄

Seriously though, I agree with you that Harris isn't up for the job. It's just amazing to me that after the pandemic, "stop the steal," January 6, and almost his entire cabinet from last time saying Trump's unfit for office, anyone thinks Trump's up for the job. Also, our allies largely thought Trump was joke.

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Bernard & John - best podcast ever, it is great to see two never-Trumpers squirm on video (for posterity) facing the inevitable re-election of President Trump and the complete collapse of VP Cackler's campaign. Everyone's mother would say when someone turns to calling names (Hitler, Facist, Unhinged, etc) the argument is lost. It's a great day that Lyin' Biden & VP Cackler finally pay the price for all the lies. Now - let's get Lyin' Biden, his brother, & Hunter Biden convicted for treason for taking bribes through a vast family money laundering scheme, maybe Dr. Jill, too. Time for both of you to get over your infatuation with Nikki Halley, she's a loser. Maybe a competent cabinet member.

John - time to change your loser hat for a MAGA hat, hah!! Your Jan6 bias blinded you both. BR

Bob Ricketts Aliso Viejo CA

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Scientists will study that episode for years for its hallucinogenic effects on Trump sycophancy.

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In all this, remember if Trump gets in, he will extend his tax breaks which business desperately needs to get investors. Most people in the business and financial community votee GOP (policy) for that reason.

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I'll give VP Harris' performance and effectiveness with Brett Bair a B/B-. Her demeanor was good. Much of her substance was good. But she's got to learn how to answer questions effectively. Additionally, she missed opportunities to slam Trump.

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I would suggest that she learn to answer questions period.

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Tim, you've got to remember that VP Harris is in the middle of a presidential campaign and that any Q & A has political implications. She can answer a question directly and honestly while affirmatively giving her position. For example, to the question of what she'd do differently from Pres. Biden, she might say (as she's previously and inartfully said): "One thing I'd do almost as soon as I was sworn in would be to bird-dog the bipartisan immigration bill that Trump had killed back 10 months ago. As soon as he was sworn in, Pres. Biden introduced a comprehensive immigration reform bill - one that was negotiated on a bipartisan basis years ago and which would provide for border security, take care of our dreamers in a fair and humane way and providing for a guest worker program so that our fruit and produce don't rot in the fields. Unfortunately, with covid and the economic crisis, Pres. Biden had to attend to other matters and the bill languished. I'd learn from that mistake and place a high priority on getting passed immigration reform no matter what other matters were at hand."

That's off-the-cuff, but it provides an effective and direct answer to the question. It could be tweaked

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In watching the interview Bob I believe she answered, not verbatim to your text, but fairly close. I believe a good follow up question by Brett would have been "why did you reverse the Trump executive actions prior to working for a congressional solution?"

She can give opinions in questions. Obama did this very effectively during his campaign years. But apparently, she supports taxpayers funding sex change operations for convicted felons.

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