In watching the interview Bob I believe she answered, not verbatim to your text, but fairly close. I believe a good follow up question by Brett would have been "why did you reverse the Trump executive actions prior to working for a congressional solution?"
She can give opinions in questions. Obama did this very effectively during his camp…
In watching the interview Bob I believe she answered, not verbatim to your text, but fairly close. I believe a good follow up question by Brett would have been "why did you reverse the Trump executive actions prior to working for a congressional solution?"
She can give opinions in questions. Obama did this very effectively during his campaign years. But apparently, she supports taxpayers funding sex change operations for convicted felons.
In watching the interview Bob I believe she answered, not verbatim to your text, but fairly close. I believe a good follow up question by Brett would have been "why did you reverse the Trump executive actions prior to working for a congressional solution?"
She can give opinions in questions. Obama did this very effectively during his campaign years. But apparently, she supports taxpayers funding sex change operations for convicted felons.