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They way I am thinking about this is Trump could care less if Russia obtained ALL of Ukraine, he does not see that as any threat to the US from what he has ever stated publicly. He is still pissed over Ukraine not caving to his demands re. Hillary Clinton, the Steele report, etc. during that time period. Especially the Russian Intel. on Trump, which was never fully verified. Retribution is not beneath Trump. Zelenskyy ruffled his feathers years ago, now it's come back to haunt Ukraine. If they fall tomorrow, Trump would show no emotion, and still appease Putin I believe. It goes much deeper than just Ukraine.

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President Trump is trying to end the slaughter. His methods are questionable, but he’s trying to end the slaughter. I agree with what he’s doing to end the slaughter. We can’t condone President Trump unless we see the final outcome of the peace negotiations which Ukraines president is holding back.

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>>President Trump is trying to end the slaughter.

By shutting down Ukraine's defenses, and making it easier for Ukrainians to be slaughtered?

>>His methods are questionable,


>>We can’t condone President Trump unless we see the final outcome of the peace negotiations

Yes we can. He has suspended Ukrainian defenses out of spite, and innocent people are dying as a direct cause of it.

>>which Ukraines president is holding back.

Russia, not Ukraine, is refusing to make concessions. And Ukraine's the victim.

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Trump isn't trying to end anything, except security guarantees for Ukraine. How is Ukraine "holding back" peace negotiations? I'll wait.

Trump is using extortion tactics on Ukraine like the Mafia use on a business that doesn't want to pay protection money.

America is in retreat and can't be trusted as an ally under this administration. Which is worrying for those who have had a long standing relationships like the UK and Australia.

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America is on the verge of bankruptcy. President Trump is trying to put the country in the right direction financially. Ukraine is one way in the right direction. Financially, that is.

Ukraine is holding back the negotiations. That is the problem!

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How is Trump trying to put the country on the right financial track?

Ukraine defense accounts for less than 1% of our federal budget (and most of that money never leaves the United States), while Trump refuses to touch entitlement programs (the bulk of our spending and by far the biggest drivers of our debt). Meanwhile, the GOP congress keeps pushing insane spending bills to drive the debt and deficits up even higher.

And again, Russia's the one refusing to concede anything, not Ukraine.

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Someone wrote a book about” can’t reason with a liberal”

John, wear it proudly don’t hide it like you’re trying to do!

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Lol. And there it is.

My position on Ukraine (and all kinds of other issues) is consistent with Reagan conservatism. It was also the consensus position of the GOP JUST THREE YEARS AGO, before Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, and other anti-conservative populists started dragging a good portion of Republican party leadership into alignment with far-left Code Pink wingnuts.

I think you know all of this, but since you can't counter what I'm saying with actual facts, rebuttals like this are all you have left.

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And there it is... Anyone who doesn't accept the delusion that Trump is somehow playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers, and we're all just too stupid to realize how brilliant he is (even after he's told us so many times), is an unabashed, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Cackler loving liberal. So predictable and boring at this point.

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Tribalism is a hell of a drug.

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I guess Reagan was a liberal for not bending over for the Russians during the Cold War.... But I keep forgeting, Reagan is a RINO....

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Yes, so he says, but simultaneously, he has no love for the reasons I stated. The mineral rights deal greatly benefits the US, and ending the fighting would be beneficial to all, except Putin himself. Ukraine is still a sitting duck regardless. The art of the 'deal'.

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Ukraine has the capitulate to president Trump‘s request. END THE war now,, Not later!

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Ukraine has to give up everything, and Russia has to give up nothing... because Lord Trump says so?

You don't end a war by succumbing to the demands of an invader who is promising to continue invading. At best, it just buys the aggressor time to reequip and prepare for the next invasion.

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That's called surrendering. Conrad would love to see that.

We know what side he supports and it isn't America.

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He supports whatever Lord Trump says on any given day. Trump could resume aid to Ukraine and slap hard sanctions on Russia tomorrow, and Conrad would think it was a brilliant move.

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John, you have no idea what’s being worked out behind the scenes so keep quiet

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>>John, you have no idea what’s being worked out behind the scenes

Conrad, I see what's playing out in front of our very eyes: Trump suspending Ukraine's defenses as Putin ratchets up missile attacks and murders scores of Ukrainians. Trump sees it. Our allies see it. Russia obviously sees it (and is loving it). The only people who don't see it are blind loyalists to Donald Trump.

>>so keep quiet


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You made a serious breach of etiquette on that reply. To be more effective you should have written "...so, I triple-dog-dare you to keep quiet."

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If the previous embarrassing shit-show from the Trump administration by trying to negotiate on live TV is anything to go by, probably nothing.

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I'm calling it as I see it based on the information available, just as you are. The difference is, I'm applying facts and the lessons of history to inform my opinions, while you are basing your opinion on your undying love of Donald Trump.

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