Excellent article John. Very insightful. I hadn’t thought about this but I could easily see the conspiracy theorist drug dealers cultivating a narrative like this. Anything harmful whether self inflicted or not by Trump is always turned into some conspiracy against him by his worshippers. So much for a tough guy movement huh? I was think…
Excellent article John. Very insightful. I hadn’t thought about this but I could easily see the conspiracy theorist drug dealers cultivating a narrative like this. Anything harmful whether self inflicted or not by Trump is always turned into some conspiracy against him by his worshippers. So much for a tough guy movement huh? I was thinking the other day, ten plus years ago Alex Jones was still there but the vast majority of the republican electorate didn’t like him, five maybe ten percent of republican voters tops followed him. Now it seems like it’s 75%. We’re in that 25% holdout in the party, although I know neither of us consider ourselves republicans anymore. But yeah, the only vetting the Trump team does is “who loves Trump more?” That’s the standard for choosing a VP I believe
Thanks. I wouldn't venture a guess on the percentages, but the conspiracy-right, that used to be a fringe group within the conservative movement, is now very much the mainstream. And you're right in that the only real criteria for Republican leaders these days is that they flatter and fawn over Trump.
Excellent article John. Very insightful. I hadn’t thought about this but I could easily see the conspiracy theorist drug dealers cultivating a narrative like this. Anything harmful whether self inflicted or not by Trump is always turned into some conspiracy against him by his worshippers. So much for a tough guy movement huh? I was thinking the other day, ten plus years ago Alex Jones was still there but the vast majority of the republican electorate didn’t like him, five maybe ten percent of republican voters tops followed him. Now it seems like it’s 75%. We’re in that 25% holdout in the party, although I know neither of us consider ourselves republicans anymore. But yeah, the only vetting the Trump team does is “who loves Trump more?” That’s the standard for choosing a VP I believe
Thanks. I wouldn't venture a guess on the percentages, but the conspiracy-right, that used to be a fringe group within the conservative movement, is now very much the mainstream. And you're right in that the only real criteria for Republican leaders these days is that they flatter and fawn over Trump.
It’s both frustrating and depressing. I’m not sure it’ll ever go back to some type of normalcy