If Watters is really that concerned about his favourite ex-president's health, maybe order Trump a fainting couch and some MyPillows.

Where's Mike Lindell when Trump needs him most?

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John, this was a great article. Jesse Watters WISHES he was Bill O'Reilly. Interestingly enough, Bill does not talk about Watters often, considering the conspiracy theory pool Watters jumped into.

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Thanks. Those two probably have some dirt on each other. ;)

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"...Watters has been portraying Trump as old, weak, unhealthy, and perhaps even incapable of making it through the trial process."

<“They’re making a 77 year-old man sit inside a dingy room for eight hours straight, four days a week.”>

<“He’s usually golfing,” Watters decried. “And so you’re going to put a man who’s almost 80, sitting in a room like this on his butt for all that time? It’s not healthy… He needs sunlight, and he needs

activity. >

Waters may have stumbled onto something worthwhile, in his garbled manner. It goes to show that even morons can say something worthwhile if they talk long enough. It's the law of averages.

Trump obviously has long had an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Even assuming good genes, this takes a steep toll on a 77 year-old.

Apparently, Trump feeds off his adoring fans and his bootlickers. Not unlike a shark, he also thrives by continuously moving forward, so to speak. He's accustomed to dominating his environment, he routinely creates chaos when he doesn't get his way or when he doesn't like what he sees and he's accustomed to lashing out at his (real or perceived) agonistes at will.

Now, Trump must spend the bulk of his time in an almost entirely different situation. He must sit still and be quiet while everyone is talking about him, largely in highly negative terms. It's not only an alien environment, it's one that deprives him of sustenance and grates on his nerves. The trial process is an orderly and methodical one, which is anathema to Trump if he's not in control of it.

Trump's health may well falter at some point as this situation continues. Cumulatively, this will surely take a toll not only on his mental health but his physical health as well. I don't think you need an M. D. to perceive this.

Bill O'Reilly continually says that he feels "in his bones" that something cataclysmic will happen that alters the political landscape before election day. Trump's faltering health - even a major health episode of some sort - may well be that happening.

Trump would be well-advised to take big steps to alter his mind-set and radically alter his coping mechanisms. He needs to learn how to relax. Maybe he should be tutored in meditation techniques. But that would be contrary to the image he projects.

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I don’t think Waters even believes his own comedy here.

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The overwhelming majority of today's right-wing media pundits don't believe what they're telling their audience, including people you trust far more than Watters.

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Every time I see Watters I have a strong urge to knock that ever present smirk off his face. I saw his book was a best seller. Who reads this crap?

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Just about any book a Fox News host hires someone to write for them ends up being a best-seller (though I doubt many purchasers actually read those books). The Fox audience is a very loyal club. And the Watters smirk comes from making big bucks off saying things he doesn't believe, but knows the audience will eat up.

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I kind of doubt that anyone on the fence about voting for Trump or Biden isn't watching Waters.

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Agreed. But I think the clips give usable material to the other side.

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